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I Care Because
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I care because I have been bullied in elementary school. I have felt the pain of the mean words and actions of my peers. Each day I had to face them, each day was a nightmare at school. But I do believe for every insult I had endured, it only made me stronger. I concentrated on my school work and followed my dreams of one day becoming a teacher. A teacher that could make a difference in her own students lives. A teacher that made sure that bullying in her classroom is stomped out. 

Agata - 30 - Jastrebie Zdroj, Poland

i care because i feel alone and i get bullied by sommeone who i thought cared about me treats me as if their disgusted. they say mean things like fat, ugly, their dissapointed in me cause i cant be the person they want me to be. and ive tried self harming and at first it helped but now i'm scarred for life. and the words they've said are hurtful and they will always haunt me and i got pushed in front of a seeding car because someone i thought cared thinks my sister is better than me and they think im fat and ugly and that i shouldn't deserve the privelge to live. so now i deal with self image issues and i hope one day i can put this all behind me .

sian cross - 15 - south wales

I care because everyone I know hates me and only a couple real friends know how I really am.

Marina - 12 - Georgia

I know people who suffered bullying, i have a friend, she was bullied way back in elementary years so she and her mother decided to homeschool her but now, she's famous in showbiz industry she's now 15 a dancer, model and a fashion designer. the show Glee somewhat shows how bullying affects people's lives esp when Kurt was transferred in a private school eventhough his parents can't afford the tuition fee just because they don't want Kurt to be bullied. Let us be strong, like the Lemonade Mouth Disney movie says, BE HEARD BE STRONG BE PROUD.

Lara - 16 - Philippines

why people think that they r all that?

fatima - 12 - california

i care becuese my best friend was bullied and she told me to help her get though the pain was for her to cut herselef she came to school with scraches on her rist it was veary sad but i helped her though told her to ignore them and she did now she is in new york i miss her

lisa - 15 - los angeles ca

I care because I've seen and experienced bullying and even the popular girls know bullying is wrong but they still do it. 

Amanda - 13 - Ohio

I care because my older brother with aspergers syndome gets bullied just because he is different, it is not ok.

Shannon - 14 - New Zealand

I care because...... I've been bullies since i was in pre-k and I'm still being bullies it hurts so much. I wish that someone would atleast try and help me but noone does.... =..(

Jade - 11 - Tioga,LA

I just wanted to say that some parents do care!  My son was bullied in elementary school, so we switched to a small charter school.  This charter school has no tolerance for bullies, they have assemblies about bullying, and yet he is still bullied.  There are just a few mean kids, wherever you go.  So, I've asked my son to tell me every time he is being bullied.  And every time, I go to the school principal in charge of discipline.  And every time, she takes action.  The situation is slowly getting better for my son.  Please don't give up.  Kept telling as many people as you can that you are being bullied.  

Pamela - 44 - Arizona

I care because many people have commited sucide over things like this and I just want them to know it gets better. I was bullied, and it was really hard for me to deal with that. Even now it's STILL hard for me I don't get as harsh comments infact I barely get them at all but I still have that same pain with me. And im only 12. I was called fat, ugly, worthless, and I was even pushed around and getting into fights. But, that didn't change the fact that I still had hope. My family was not very supportive in these situations because I kept quiet about it. Don't keep quiet, let them know. Espeacially if it starts to get really serious! Don't be scared to better your future you have a chance! So take it. And hold on to it for as long as you live.

Gillette - 12 - FL

im bullied. i have been called things from belimic and anerexic to very mean words.  i dont want  to see other people go through this. 

Danielle - 12 - Covina, California

i d'ont care, i just want to be dead
i cant lif enimore with it

emma - 13 - belgium

I care because throughout middle school, I was bullied heavily. Kids can be extremely cruel; especially girls. I was called names, isolated, and even had someone throw urine on my clothes during P.E. When you are being bullied, the taunts that you hear on a daily basis seem to crowd your thoughts and you seem to believe that what they are saying about you is true. But I am here to tell you that they ARE NOT TRUE. We are all beautiful, wonderful people and we should embrace our individuality and uniqueness. Keep your heads held high! I grew up to achieve so much, even becoming Valedictorian of my graduating class! Stay strong you guys!

Hilaire - 18 - Mobile, AL

i have been builed by my ^th grade teacher and my school know n they decided to do nothing about it because it happened a year ago .Even though it happened a year ago it still happened and its ruining my life ....WHAT SHOULD I DO?????

linzie - 13 - illionios

Bullying is a sad excuse for stupidity. Just because I was adopted from Sweden, I was called a Natzi,. I was called adopted trash. People told me my parents didn't want me because I was worthless. When in reality, my mother was murdered iin the serial killings of 95' in Michigan. My mother was murdered for no reason because some man had something against women. People told me I was ugly because I have such a strong swedish face. I was called retarded because I have the dominant Swedish trait, blonde hair blue eyes. But no matter what anyone called me I pulled through. No matter what you are going through you need to look at yourself and know you are better than that. The best thing you can do for yourself is be strong and push it aside because they didn't get the chance to know you, so they have no reason to judge you. No matter who you are, or where you came from, or what past you had, you can do it. You can always prove them wrong. People love you for who you are and you can never forget that. Don't let them justify actions that have no justification. Everyone is beautiful and don't let anyone tell you any different. 

Lilliana Marie - 19 - Michigan

every day i have to listen to people say things about me and the books i read. I enjoy vampire books, so once i thought they were real, but now i do not anymore. the people keep making fun and wont stop. I AM AGAINST BULLYING1!!! 

Jessica - 14 - Canada

I Care Becasue My Lil 11 Year Old Brother Was Being Bullied,And Still Is A Little...As His Sister I Always Try To Help Him :)

Monica S. - 13 - Laredo,TX

i care beacause.....i care i care anymore? Yes. People who hurt others just to please themselves won't succeed much in life. I figure, they'll soon regret what they did. At least I hope. How is it that nothing ever changes? There are countless times where I wish I didn't see someone getting bullied, or that I can be who I want to be without being harshly judged. Would everyone be happier if I didn't exist? Do people just stay by my side because they pity me? I didn't know. But now, I do. You have to love yourself, have confidence in yourself, and believe in yourself. There may be times when you have doubts, but know this, everyone is created beautifully and equally inside and outside. Even though I sometimes(mostly) think pessimistically, I can at least try to LIVE and be HAPPY. 

-and to those who don't know, don't worry, I absolutely know that you are unique.

Elizabeth - 13 - CA

I have been bullied since I was in pre-school.  Over the years it has gotten worse.  There are these really snotty girls at my school and they don't like me at all.  One time, I was walking behind one of them and all of the sudden she yelled, "Brake!" and stopped right in front of me.  I have my friends and family and they understand what happens, but the teachers don't want to even listen to me.  I told the school councelor what had been happening, with my friends, and nothing ever happened.  I feel something should happen, but I doubt something will.

Ciarra - 13 - Colorado

Almost 6 months ago I lost a very dear friend of mine to suicide due to bullying..Now tommorow at 11:00 I get to see her brother get buried beside her. Bullying is not just some harmless act. I have lost two friends in a matter of 6 months...because of this. Its just sad to see a brother and sister think they have no other way out :'(  And what makes me angry is that when shelbie died everyone blamed it on her brother..Soo from that day on he had been taunted and teased, being told "you should have been the one to kill yourself not your sister!" Even though he took it to the Principle he was told to grow up and be the bigger person and since nobody would listen we now have to lay him to rest. I love and miss Shelbie and Tim very will just not be the same without them :(

Amber - 19 - Michigan, My Room

I am called fat, dull, stupid and crazy. everytime i went to school or everywhere i always hear those words...
They keep on teasing me.. but through this site it help me stand and fight back BECAUSE NO ONE DESERVE'S TO BE BULLIED EVERYONE SHOULD BE LOVED AND RESPECTED.

Dianne - 15 - Philippines

I was bullied in high school for being smart.  I was lucky - I had a teacher and a guidance counselor looking out for me.  But that doen't make the hallways and bathrooms and stairs any safer.  My life was threatened and my real friends made it a point to walk me from class to class for weeks.  I learned a lot - I wasn't as alone as I thought.  I worked on developing relationships with kids who liked what I liked and we looked out for each other.

Like many adults, 8 or so years after graduation I ran into my old nemesis.  He told me he was now married to the mother of his four kids and they were struggling.  With lttle real education it was hard to make ends meet.  He asked what I did and I told him - I fly satellites and rockets. Then he dropped his head an quietly apologized for his bullying.  He said he couldn't wrap his head around why I was so smart and why I studied.  He thought I was a suck-up.  he said he knew now what I knew then, that being good at something is worth the effort.  Hetold me he should have respected me.

I've had a great time since then.  I learned not to be silent, to take the risk to defend those who are catching it for no reason.  If there were no bystanders, there would be no bullies.

Marie - 54 - US/D.C.

I go to lunch every day and no matter where I sit there is always, Alex, he throws food at me and tells me I have no friends. He really embarrases me and hurts my feelings. But I don't know any adult I trust so I'm coming here to learn who i can tell.

James - 11 - Florida

When I was 6 years old, everyone made fun of the way I looked. They made sure I knew how ugly and stupid I was every day of my life. At that age, I already wanted to kill myself. When I turned 10, I started cutting myself. And as the world turned colder, suicide was an option I was willing to take.

Luckily, I found people who made me feel important. I'm 15 now and I feel much better. Stronger. And although not everything has been the same, I now feel that it is my responsibility to listen to others who have gone through my experience too. I just want to say that you are not alone and I love you very much.

Jonina - 15 - Philippines/ Manila

When I was in middle school people always picked on me because of my acne, my hair, and my weight. I hated being teased about how imperfect I was or how weird I acted. The kids at my school didn't understand what it felt like to be me, they didn't know what I had to come home to every night. I always thought that if I fixed the reason why they teased me, I thought I'd be fine, but they constantly found a reason to bully me. After middle school, I decided that no one could tell me how ugly I was or how fat I was or how messy and weird I was. I embraced myself and changed my apperences to my liking and now no one dares to bully me because I am too strong and confident for other's own insercurities!

Imani - 18 - California

I've been bullied all my life. It's feels devastating knowing that people, not even my own parents, approve of who I am. The only place where i can feel same is my room, NOT my house. Music is the only thing that kept me alive right now. 

Alyssa Rose Ediza - 14 - Dipolog City

I've been bullied all my life, and I know what it feels like. It feels horrible knowing that people don't aprove who you are, and it feels even worse that people don't let you be yourself. I care because I know that I am not the only one going through this...there are thousands of other people who feel like I do. I care because bullying is like taking someones life and tear it into pieces little by little until it is totally destroyed. I care because I don't want my life, neither anyone else's to be destroyed futurely because of this.

Alyssa Rose - 14 - Dipolog City, Philippines

I see the effects of bullying in our school systems all the time.  The schools here have a zero tolerance policy, which really means they are not really listening or helping the bully or the victim.  The success of implementing programs to lessen this horrible trend is directly related to getting our nations schools test scores up, which will effect our economy long term, which will help us all, not just the kids involved!  I wish everyone would wake up and see this as something they should pay attention to.

Lous - 43 - WA / Federal Way

My little sister has Tourette's Syndrome. I'm not even sure that she even really knows let alone tells people. And the kids that she goes to school with have been bullying her since the second grade. She's in the seventh grade now! She's such a sweet girl, and only tries to help people, and yet all they can do is bully her whether it's in person, on Facebook, through her phone, and all I can try to do is do what's best and stand up for her and any other victims. And yet she's still nice to them - because she knows how it feels. I'm hoping through websites like this, and organizations, that maybe someday we'll live in a world where kids & anybody can feel safe in their own community. To feel safe in life. So hang in there, whoever you are, wherever you are. You'll only come out stronger in the end. I promise.

Emily - 15 - Kansas

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