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I Care Because
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I have been bullied for no apparent reason, those bullies are just people who want to bring you down because they think they are being a better person. They only see your flaws and take advantage of that, they cant see their own flaws.
Stay Strong (:

Jaden - 16 - AUSTRALIA

i have been bullied a lots of times and the techers dont beilve me or the pirencpel.

tasia - 18 - chatham ny

I've experienced it.  Because it's terrible.  I don't want anyone else to go through it.  I want people to be able to go to work or school and feel safe, welcome, and not alone.  I care because I believe that TOGETHER we truly can STOP BULLYING!!!!!!!!!!

Stefanie - 14 - US

i know what it feels like to be bullied by others, physical and verbal. But i know, someday bullying will stop be cause of those who care like me.

denise anne - 17 - caloocan city, philippines

i've been bullied a couple of times, and often times it brings me down but now i've found out about this movement and it makes me feel that i'm not alone that's wahy i really appreciate this movement a lot :)

jem - 17 - bulacan phillipines

I'd like to pretend there is always be someone somewhere willing to help me back up, and that until then we'll have to learn for ourselves. Bullying is now a part of our society, and we'll have to deal with it as best we can. I fool myself into thinking I'm fine, I'll live, and to go on pretending social justice, and equity exists.  

Violet - 15 - Tartarus

I've been bullied all my life, and I know what it feels like. It feels horrible knowing that people don't aprove who you are, and it feels even worse that people don't let you be yourself. I care because I know that I am not the only one going through this...there are thousands of other people who feel like I do. I care because bullying is like taking someones life and tear it into pieces little by little until it is totally destroyed. I care because I don't want my life, neither anyone else's to be destroyed futurely because of this.

Samantha - 16 - Monterrey, Mexico

When I was younger I always wanted to be the one ot fit in, but too often I found myself all alone running my fingers along the fence waiting for recess to be over.  I used to get teased because I was over weight from elementry school all the way up to high school even.  Now that I am in college it isn't that bad but people can still be rude.  I thought of suicide twice in my life just to get away from everyone looking at me and laughing as I walked by.  They would whispe things  as they laughed.  I got called always every fat joke in the book and even got called "Chunks", and "Beefy" once because of my name.  So here is my advice to you all, who cares what they say.  They don't see the potential that you have in you.  Stand up and dont' let them see you get down.  They are just afraid you will see past them and laugh at them when all they need is someone to listen to them.  Keep your chin up and don't look down and no matter what, i repeat no matter what don't stop believing in a better future.  God bless you all. :)

Bethany - 19 - Illinois

Bullying doesn't affect people physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. It affects his/her whole personhood. Bullying HURTS alot. It may lead a person to be mentally weak and total loss of socialism. LET US FACE EVERYONE WHO TRY TO BULLY US. DON'T BE AFRAID OF YOU ARE.

Lara - 16 - Philippines

i think people needs to quit bullying,it can hurt other  people, and them because  they will look back one day and when they are being bullied they will rember that happing to them so please stop bullying by:Kristyn

Kristyn - 11 - KY

just tell someone. i promise you will make it through the storm if you can do just that. you are worth it

Laura - 15 - MN

I know what it feels like. You are not alone. Talk to someone. Things will improve. Be strong!

Laura - 15 - Rochester MN

I've been bullied throughout my time in school. I don't believe in bullying, it should be put to a stop. I read on yahoo news yesterday about a girl who had comitted suicide because of bullying and  she was only 15 years old. She had her whole life ahead of her for it to be thrown away because of people being cold. Also, teens are not the only people who bully, teachers or even parents can do it too. I've seen teachers bully their students and its wrong, and it makes me think how can we confide in our elders if they are bullies themselves? What can we do to make a change if no one else cares? I want help put a stop to bullying in every form and fashion. Its over-rated and action does need to be done. We need to take a stand for those who can't stand for themselves. We need to be a voice to those who have none. We need to be an example to future generations.

Kimberly - 17 - Oklahoma

I dont get bullied now but as a young child i had a neighborhood bully. He would always pick on me because i was little. Now im kind of popular at my school and i notice some of my friends bullying some kids. I want to stop it but i fear that'll happen to me. I know how they must feel because i felt the same way. Defenseless, vulnerable, and scared. I speak out now and i try to defend the person getting bullied. Bullying will never happen when im around!!

Deion - 14 - Atlanta,Ga

i was bullied too at my school, in my school there was so many bully, and the teachers had no problem with that.. the teachers like just shut up if there have a bully at my school. and guys, if you don't like the word of "bully" at school.. just be quiet and smile to your friend that said that words. because i believe you've BEAUTY inside, and your bully friend just see your UGLINESS. they don't realize that they themselves aren't perfect. SO JUST SMILE AND BE STRONG :)

Nadya - 14 - Indonesia

I get bullied whenever I do something, I cant stand up to the bullies cause they shoot me down.

renee - 14 - maine

I care because I was bullied in Primary and bullied of my first year in secondary. In Primary I stood out because I had spots on my face and ginger hair. My hair isn't ginger, it's stawberry blonde. I also have a lisp and I can't say my words properly. I've just found out that my best friend used to get bullied because she is tall, wears glasses. I think bullying is so wrong and it should of never been invented. I'M AGAINST BULLYING AND SO SHOULD EVERYONE! NEVER BE AFRAID OF WHO YOU ARE!

Chloe - 12 - UK

I have younger brothers and sisters and I want them to be happy when they go to school and confident about themselves. I have not personally not been too harshly bullied. When I was, I was strong enough to stand up for myself, though it did really hurt on the inside. My brother has a social issue and he has a hard time communicating with people. He has been bullied and it has hurt me so much to know that. I want people to know the effects of bullying and how it can really hurt someone. 

Marie - 14 - America

i am bullied in school. I was the bystander for bullyings against new kids and i tried to put a stop to it wi=hich only made the bully pick on me and the new kid. 

Cheyanne - 14 - New Jersey

I am bullied at school because I have ADHD. I  just told one of my friends that I thought I could trust, but she spread it around, so now almost every student knows. Turns out, the only reason why that girl PRETENDED to be my friend because I was the new girl at school, but about two weeks after I moved, she turned into one of my bullies. Now I have only four friends in my new class that I really, really trust, and I feel as if them anything, but I'm going to keep my secrets from anybody else. People always spread embarrassing rumors about my ADHD, most of them which aren't true, "Vanessa got a C on her science test because of her ADHD," not true, I love science and I'm an A student in it. I'm forgetful, but people change that into being dumb. But people with ADHD can still be very smart. I heard Albert Einstein had ADHD.

Vanessa - 12 - Manhattan, NY

i have been bullied from 6th grade, i feel thta NO 1 should go through this, i will go againist bullying. i HATE thta fact of how 1 perosn can be a bully and make fun kids. i want to help the kids and encrourage the people i knw to stand up to bullying.

sheela - 18 - la

bullying is so not okay. i would love to join the movement and support bullying cuz right now im being bullied and its very hurtful to me physical and emotional.

Ashley - 15 - Missouri

I  care because.. I got bullied by my own old best friends and my own cousin.. Because I wasnt up to their standards of perfect really.. They all wanted me to be diffrent, One wanted me to be a tomboy, one wanted me to be girly, one wanted me to be sporty, one wanted me to be a bully, I didnt wanna be any, I tried to get along with them all but they didnt want that, they would all compete.. 'You can stay at mine' .. 'Come swimming with me' 'I dare you to say ^something^ to ^someone^' But that isnt how I wanted to be, Then I found some new people, And because at one dinner break in school I went up to these other people instead of being pushed around and being pressured to do stuff I dont want to they all ganged up on me, turned people against me, Called me names, Shouted stuff at me, Threw stuff at me, Sent me horrible message's over facebook, I missed school because of it.. It hasnt been bad for the past week or two now cos its been the easter holidays but Im dreading going back,and to make it worse, All my new friends that are accepting me for who I am, are leaving school in two weeks, there all older than me.. I dont know what im going to do, Im scared to go back to be honest, And i dont want anyone else to have to go through that, Iknow i cant change the world by clicking my fingers but I know that if you dont start somewhere,it will never change

Natalie - 14 - UK

My parents think bullying isnt verbal but it is.....everyday I get called faggit, gay, or some other mean think.....yeah I'm a little bit feminine.....yeah im a little bit over wait....but to call me fat or gay just to hurt me is parents tell me to ignore but i cant....sometimes the things i wanna do to myself r things no 16 year old should b thinking about....bullying does a victim.....someone needs to stop this bullying once and for all

Chase W - 16 - Ohio

Bullying made me feel awful about myself each and everyday, so I really care about this movement. I hope every teenager will have the chance to appreciate themselves.

Val - 16 - Philippines

at school im so hated. im called a lesbian, fat, stupid. it all. im told the world would be a better place without me and that im a slut and whore. that im ugly and useless. i hear people wispering and laughing at me all the time. and people send me death threats. at the lunch table food is thrown at me, and people wisper, "i dare you to poke her." they tell me i have no life and i will get no where.. i barly have any friends. a few friends that i had since i was like 1 years old are now ashamed to talk to me in front of others. i dont even know what to do anymore. im not gonna lie. i started cutting myself. i was finally able to stop after a while. but im really just sick of this....

Gianna - 11 - Ohio

I am a bistander sometimes of bullying and after that i have never bullyied since. I didnt like  the way it was happening.

Trinity - 11 - Ney Y

I see physical abuse happening to a girl in my class from another girl in my class......AND I GO TO A CATHOLIC SCHOOL!It's really gotten out of hand!We had gym and my gym teacher had a few kids at a time doing pushups while the other kids played basketball and jumped rope.I was talking to a few of my friends then I turn  around to see the girl being pelted with basketballs and the girl bullying her kicking her on the ground.It was so bad that the girl couldn't get up so she tried to roll away.I've tried to tell my principal and teacher about that but some kids made them think that we were talking about rebounds in basketball.The girl who's being bullyed writes on her hand and my friend told me that she draws pretend people on her hand.I'm goig to request her to the school guidence counselor if I see her writng on herself.I feel so bad for this girl.There has to be something I can do before the school year ends and we all go to different schools since mine is closing down.WE HAVE TO PUT AN END TO BULLYING!

Mecca - 12 - NY

Bullying is nowhere near okay. It makes people make bad choices, wrong decisions, and is life threatening. It needs to be stopped. 

Megan - 13 - Utah

of how sad it is to be bullyed. as i was bullyed it was sad but now that im older i bully people 

delly - 18 - houston tx

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