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I Care Because
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They say bullying never can get to you  but if your a person like me bullying can get to you.  I've been bullied ALOT.  The saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words never hurt".  Well it's 100% wrong.  Words can get to you and make you eventually think what people are saying about you are true. Also, it leads to many unforgettalbe and lifetime decisions that you would never regret.  I've pretty much been called every word you can think of.  When I get bullied on i never speak up but hopfully overcome that and defend myself, but always when I did I always got in trouble for saying what I fell is right to say.  There are many people like me, Trust me I know I see it happening to not only me, but millons of other kids a day.  Lets all put a stop to it and stop bullying. It can start with just ONE PERSON saying ONE BOLD COMMENT. LETS ALL GET TOGETHER AND STOP BULLYYING

Mariah - 12 - LA

I see so many kids being bullied, I was bullied at a time, and am very succesful now.  I want people to know that it will get better.  People say it all the time but it's true.  I believe that bullying can and will be able to stop some day.  With everyone working together we can spread this message.  Stay Strong!

Stef - 14 - FL

I'm bullied because of who I am. Kids at my school make fun of me for dressing too nicely. I get called the "rich girl" and snob for what my parents dress me in, and my home, and my father's occupation. It has gotten really bad, I even got beaten up by a couple of boys. I contacted my school, and they didnt believe me and told me to move. I am still bullied on a day to day basis, but I applied for a different school. I hope I get in! "Sticks and stones can brake your bones but words can break your soul.'' XXOO BE STRONG

Zoe - 13 - WA

Bullying only just recently entered my life. I had so many friends, i was so happy and thrilled each day to go to school but now, now everything is black. It's almost as if life's playing a cruel game with me. I was forced to move away, to go to a school where there was on one of my own race. I was forced to face reality and leave my friends behind just because of parent's losing their job. Now, I'm scared, everyday, to go to school, to smile, scared to even look anyone in the eye. Everything I do seems to set off some alarm that makes the kids at school hate me. And that's why I've been considering suicide lately, how easy it would be to take my life before anyone else does and to finally be in peace while watching over my important people and right now the thing i'm most scared of right now, is Them. I'm scared to go back to school after break. Will they drench me again? I mean, it's winter now. Will they hit me again? Will I cry? 
The only thing i pride in is that my bullies never know of my fear, they've never seen me cry, never- instead, after each insult, hit and a cruel 'joke' i give them a smile but that's why i cry each night, to relieve me of my distress. i wish, no, i PRAY that this will be over soon, that i'll be normal. Please God and anyone who can help me, Please End Bullying.
Tear it aart, Burn it, Shoot it, do whatever- just, end it please.

Anonymous - 12 - Australia

i have a little sister, that has autism and i see her getting picked on everyday at school, and its hard to just sit back and watch. It has to stop!!

Courtney - 16 - texas

I care because, it hurts i know. It isnt just about getting abused or anythings. Words have alot to do with it. If every school had a teen against bullying program many teens wouldnt be afraid to go to school. Everyday at least 17 teenagers take theirs lives trying to cope with bullying. Bullying with words or actions can cause cutting, burning, over eating, depression, insanity, and death. This is a serious cause that needs to be known.  Whether you like or accept it JUDGING IS BULLYING. Yes sounds crazy right? But it is true, and most people do it. I was bullied since i was 5 years old. it feels awful.  It doesnt solve anything. The only reason people do it is because "it makes them feel better about themselves.  Some teens and kids are to afraid to stand up for themselves and that is why i talk to many of them and confront the people that do it. I had no self-confidence or pride until i was 13 years of age. Ive been working on this act against bullying for two years. And the bullying rate has actually gone up! I used to beat myself up telling myself everyone is right;that i was fat and i was ugly, and i wasnt smart enough to do anything. I knew it wasnt true but i told myself "well hey maybe if i told them they were right they would stop doing it". I was wrong it got worse i started burning myself with hot metal trying to feel some sort of feeling,I realize that was wrong.

Peyton - 15 - Tennessee

Because I've seen bullying and not spoken up. My school is having a day of silence for anti-bullying. Lets stop it here. It starts with just one bold statement!!!!1

Anonymous - 14 - U.S.

Ive beeen bullied ALOT!  Growing up alot of kids have always been mean to me and i dont know why. Many times i have cried myself to sleep or didnt attend school because it had gotten so bad. One time my life was even at stake. I dont want anyone to go through what i went through. We need to try the best we can to END BULLYING!((: loovvee yall and be strong!!

Brianna - 15 - Arkansas

i care because, i have been bullied, its not good what so ever, it makes you feel like you are not wanted, but it's best to speak to someone, because i never, i am a young carer in my family, that's why i didn't have many friends because i never really went out, the girls that bullied me where not nice at all, i have now dropped out of school at the age of 14.. and i do regret it because i can't do much in life, and if your getting bullied you need to believe in your self and ask people for help, because there are so many people out there that will sit down an listen, and they will take action:). i am 1000% against bullying:)

Jess - 14 - England

i care because i was suffer to a bullying in school, i almost cry and i dont want to go school anymore when i was in elementary. now i hear that demi lovato suffered to in this thing i should stand for and be strong like her.
before i feel so different to other's because they left me, teasing, and laughing to me all the times. it make's me feel so BAD ! sometimes i think- why they make me feel so other's , ! they push me , they push my chair that's why i felt down in the floor ! , no friends around me ! they say i steal a thing -eventhough i dont get anything to them ! they put me in trap that i dont do !  i know that im not alone in my situation ! 
now i decide to join here to stop bullying. ! YOU, ME AND PACER CENTER'S. WILL STOP THE BULLYING !
thank you demi , for being my inspiration !

-let's stop the bullying ! with you guys !
i know because this act, you will help a million teens
i knjow if we will work together it would stop and change everything !

louisa - 15 - philippines

I am a teacher and I want my students to feel safe and comfortable at school.  No one has the right to intentionally make someone else feel bad.  I want my students to know that they are ALL special, worthy people who have a lot to offer the world!

Jamie - 32 - Illinois

I care cause my confidence has been shaken alot because of bullying.  I used to be confident but ever since people noticed i have the tendancy to stutter my confidence has gone down.  Now that i'm in 7th grade i'm in counseling and speech.  both the school counselor and the speech therapist are very nice but i felt like im not normal.  I hear Demi reach out for bullying and Demi, incase you ever read this i just wanted to tell you that you inspire me so much.  We've both been through alot and when i hear your songs it makes me feel spontaneous.  I want people to see the real me and like me for who i am.  We dont have to act a certain way for people to like us. All we have to do is be ourselves.  I truly think that says alot about ourselves.  Alot of my family is in to acting and my cousin even got the lead in the highschool play but i always find myself saying "I will never be like her!" Even though people say that were both pretty talented, I just dont believe them. Im bullying my self and thats something about me I need to change.  I AM 100% against bullying!

lilly - 14 - new york

I've never been badly bullied, but I am/have been picked on. I was teased a little by a few people 2 years ago. Now this year, it's gotten worse. I don't say anything, but my friend gets it. He will tell them to stop, and others tell me to ignore it. But it's hard. This week was extremely bad. I got called alot of names, in the class, where everyone could hear. They stuck up for me though, and I care because if people don't have others that will stick up for them, it's really hard. When I was being picked on 2 years ago, nobody stood up for me, it can make people feel so alone. So, that's why I care.

Alex - 11 - Birmingham, UK

many people has been bullied ,even a kid of my class , the other guys say to him things that he's fat or they just ignore him , even guys from other classes make bullying to him ... i'm the only girl in the  class that talks to him ... The END of BULLYING BEGINS with ME and You... THE WORLD :)

anouymous - 14 - soouth america

I care because now adays many people are bullied,. And once they are bullied, they'll loose their trust in theirselves.They won't have any self confidence at all. It's like they're in a jail and can't get out because if they will they're scared about what people thinks about them. So they prefer being alone and stuff but no one deserves to be alone. We are here to protect each other or accompany each other not to bully if they're simply different among everyone. We are all equal, we're all humans. They should not treat a person which is different. They will never feel good if they are bullied. SO STOP BULLYING.

Rei - 13 - Philippines

i care because many people is being bullied,  .... the end of bullying begins with me and YOU:)

anonymous - 15 - south america

my name is emily, and i am 13 years old i have been bullyed since i was 12 years old in 6th grade! and i have since then started cutting! gave myself an eating dissorder and have become slightly suicidal! i hate my life, and i hate school! other girls make me feel like crap! they treat me differently becuzz im shy, fat, and ugly! and they tell me thoose things! people write nasty notes to me flip my lock, vandilize my locker..etc.!i hate going to school, leaving the house! and just plain out going anywhere! i am a total loner! and my boyfriend makes my school life better, but Demi Lovato makes my whole life better she helps me forget about all the bad things in my life!! thank you demi!

Emily - 13 - michigan

I very very care, because it's not useful . I hope there's no bullying in this world :)

@RetnoLovato - 13 - Indonesia

I hate bullying ! Just because someone is slightly different doesn't mean that they are wrong for being this way. People need to understand how serious bullying can be and how much it can affect people lives. I get bullied for many different reason and now i hate school, i hate going out anywhere and it makes me think that its my fault. My school seem to try there best but it never seems to stop it in fact it seems to make more peple start! But If We All Come Together And Make A Stand We Can Finally Put A Once And For All End To Bullying!

Lana - 12 - Castleford

End Bullying now..... Bullying is world-wide and should be ended now

Kate - 12 - South Australia

If people take the time to read all the comments on this site, you can see that you're not alone. A lot of people have been bullied, and if we all just come together and make a stand against it, then maybe we can finally put an end to bullying.

Scarlet - 15 - Maryland, US

I hate being bullied. Im a straight A+ honor student and im not even a geek.  I m called Ms perfect. For winning Original song awards and all sorts of stuff.  Im going to fight it and stand stong. 
Words hurt. 

Mia - 16 - Maine


Breanna - 14 - INDIANA


Maria - 14 - INDIANA

I am a victim of bullying and have been for almost 10 years now since the third grade.:(  I'm afraid of going back to school after breaks end or summer. 

Ali - 16 - Illinois

I know what it feels like to be bullied. It is not a good feeling. When you go home after school, you should feel happy and proud that you had a good day, not go home and cry into your pillow because you were bullied. If you feel pressured, sad, alone, or bullied you should always go and tell an adult right away. or just walk away from the bully and ignore them. It is hard to stand up to a bully or to stand up to someone who is being bullied. But once you learn how to stand up for yourself you won't be able to let anyone stand in the way of you. I say that we put an end to bullying. Who's with me? I want everyone to feel good about themselves because I care.

Ani Meader - 11 - San Diego, CA.

i was bullied my whole school life and it until 6 mnths ago affected my life. i got into abusive relationships , eating disorders, drugs ,alcohol  but now i have been healthy for 6 mnths and i dnt worry what ppl say bout me as i am me and im awesum :) 

jodie - 21 - nsw

i was bullied my whole school life and it until 6 mnths ago affected my life. i got into abusive relationships , eating disorders, drugs ,alcohol  but now i have been healthy for 6 mnths and i dnt worry what ppl say bout me as i am me and im awesum :) 

jodie - 21 - nsw

i have never been bullied but i guess i know how horrible it may feel, i've seen a lot of people being bullied and i just feel bad because i can't stop it. i don't know how, but i just want bullying to stop, it makes kids and teens feel horrible about theirselves and we all have to be proud of ourselves, no matter what they say, so please make it STOP

Belen - 13 - Pittsburgh

I know how it actually feels. when i was in my elementary, my classmates had stepped my personality and never having any support from anybody was the painful part.

ZYRA - 17 - Philippines

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