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my name is emily, and i am 13 years old i have been bullyed since i was 12 years old in 6th grade! and i have since then started cutting! gave myself an eating dissorder and have become slightly suicidal! i hate my life, and i hate school! other girls make me feel like crap! they treat me differently becuzz im shy, fat, and ugly! and they tell me thoose things! people write nasty notes to me flip my lock, vandilize my locker..etc.!i hate going to school, leaving the house! and just plain out going anywhere! i am a total loner! and my boyfriend makes my school life better, but Demi Lovato makes my whole life better she helps me forget about all the bad things in my life!! thank you demi!
Emily - 13 - michigan
I very very care, because it's not useful . I hope there's no bullying in this world :)
@RetnoLovato - 13 - Indonesia
I hate bullying ! Just because someone is slightly different doesn't mean that they are wrong for being this way. People need to understand how serious bullying can be and how much it can affect people lives. I get bullied for many different reason and now i hate school, i hate going out anywhere and it makes me think that its my fault. My school seem to try there best but it never seems to stop it in fact it seems to make more peple start! But If We All Come Together And Make A Stand We Can Finally Put A Once And For All End To Bullying!
Lana - 12 - Castleford
End Bullying now..... Bullying is world-wide and should be ended now
Kate - 12 - South Australia
If people take the time to read all the comments on this site, you can see that you're not alone. A lot of people have been bullied, and if we all just come together and make a stand against it, then maybe we can finally put an end to bullying.
Scarlet - 15 - Maryland, US
I hate being bullied. Im a straight A+ honor student and im not even a geek. I m called Ms perfect. For winning Original song awards and all sorts of stuff. Im going to fight it and stand stong. Words hurt.
Mia - 16 - Maine
Breanna - 14 - INDIANA
Maria - 14 - INDIANA
I am a victim of bullying and have been for almost 10 years now since the third grade.:( I'm afraid of going back to school after breaks end or summer.
Ali - 16 - Illinois
I know what it feels like to be bullied. It is not a good feeling. When you go home after school, you should feel happy and proud that you had a good day, not go home and cry into your pillow because you were bullied. If you feel pressured, sad, alone, or bullied you should always go and tell an adult right away. or just walk away from the bully and ignore them. It is hard to stand up to a bully or to stand up to someone who is being bullied. But once you learn how to stand up for yourself you won't be able to let anyone stand in the way of you. I say that we put an end to bullying. Who's with me? I want everyone to feel good about themselves because I care.
Ani Meader - 11 - San Diego, CA.
i was bullied my whole school life and it until 6 mnths ago affected my life. i got into abusive relationships , eating disorders, drugs ,alcohol but now i have been healthy for 6 mnths and i dnt worry what ppl say bout me as i am me and im awesum :)
jodie - 21 - nsw
i was bullied my whole school life and it until 6 mnths ago affected my life. i got into abusive relationships , eating disorders, drugs ,alcohol but now i have been healthy for 6 mnths and i dnt worry what ppl say bout me as i am me and im awesum :)
jodie - 21 - nsw
i have never been bullied but i guess i know how horrible it may feel, i've seen a lot of people being bullied and i just feel bad because i can't stop it. i don't know how, but i just want bullying to stop, it makes kids and teens feel horrible about theirselves and we all have to be proud of ourselves, no matter what they say, so please make it STOP
Belen - 13 - Pittsburgh
I know how it actually feels. when i was in my elementary, my classmates had stepped my personality and never having any support from anybody was the painful part.
ZYRA - 17 - Philippines
I care because i've been bullied and really never knew the reason why ! I mean they would say the most terrible things, without a reason.... They would call me fat when i'm really not, they would call me four eyes, they would also call me inappropite words. They also turned half of my class aganist me. This is like 7 girls at the same time bullying me for no reason...This all began in the 6th grade.
Emely - 12 - New York
I care because I know how it feels to be bullied in every way and I don't want people to get hurt like I did. Even if you're a jock, nerd, fashion diva, even bullies don't deserve to be bullied. Please stop bullying. It can hurt people mentally and physically. It's not right to bully.
Minami - 13 - Singapore
Im 14 im from Brunei, i have been bullyied by other girls because they a very jelaused about me...Every Monday to Thursday i always go to school and the next day the bullied me they call me a "Grandma" because they so jelaused about my examination..About the month i always get A+ in my examination..... This website "TEENS AGAINTS BULLYING" is very help ful to me...Thank you!!! i hope is worked.... Bullied is hurt i feel that.... I want to be a normal Person,hopefully yes!! No More Bully,Bully is Destroy our Future....I hope so! In that day i have bullied but i dont tell my parent because i so scared. And the next day i have to hurry to tell my parents and my parents go to school and ask principal thats my friend dont want to bullied me again... THE END
Billah - 14 - Brunei Darussalam
Marbeel (: - 12 - Gilbert, AZ
i have been bullied all throughout my 6th grade , the reason i was being bullied was because i have red hair i know it dosnt sound like much but i was being called a ranger continuisly, and i didnt want to tell anyone because i was embaraced of the name but it really hurt, reading all these storys made me realise how searious this is and i wish with all my hart that we could all work together to stop this !!
ashly - 11 - newzealand
I know how bullying hurts, and many kids, teenagers that are beeing bullied everyday, I am not afraid of bullies because now I can defend myself, for those people who keeps on bullying on others you have got to STOP right now... Bullies don't know how they can be hurtful when they say things about you.... I don't like seeing other people getting bullied..... What if they are getting bullied would they even like it?? SO NOW I STAND UP FOR THOSE WHO ARE ALWAYS GETTING BULLIED EVERYDAY!! :))
Victoria - 13 - Philippines
I wish people would stop hating or discriminating others. Don't you see? we're all human. The same. Please, stop all this hatred.
Siti - 14 - Singapore
truly i have never been bullied because i am popular but everytime i see someone bulling i got to stop them because well have have to be treated the same way! and the one who is being bullied should stop it till FOREVER! and they have to have confidence of what they r able to do so stand and fight 4 it cause EVERYONE should be treated the same no one sopposed to be popular or bullied and the one who is bulling have some problemes... but u have to stand 4 it and make everyone respect u in ur special way and the most important thing that u got to have confidence in ur self and don't be afraid and try to stand 4 it but not to FIGHT u got to stand 4 it in a respecteble way and don't be AFRAID belive me that is how alot of teens stopped IT ! SALMA
salma - 13 - los angeles
I know how it feels to be lieft out and ignored, Girls at school even write things about me on washroom stalls. I tell adults but no one reacts. So I care beacause I think kids and teenagers need to be heard and helped so that they can feel better about themselves,not less. And so they can be happy, not upset. I think people need to be HEARD.
Madeline - 11 - Toronto, Onatrio
I get bullied all the time.Not action but with names they say names can't hurt but they do.I get called ugly all the time and its hard to try to ignore them.I get calles ugly because my teeth they have bumps at the end of them .I can't help it because of them its genetic.Its all ways to do a sport like karate to gey the anger out.Before i would cry my self to sleep with my face cut out of my pics.I am getting sick and tired of the bulling my mom is getting them fixed i am crying of the excitment.So I do not have to deal with them.So thats why i care.
Shayla - 12 - Fairfield,oh
I've been made fun of by my last name all through out my 7th grade year. It hurt me a lot. I hope people never be bullied because I was really hurt by this.
Isabella - 14 - Canada
I was bullied threw my high school years I was not very popular I had very few friends and I was shy. I cut and still cut as a result of it and I'm 20..:/ I think this is a great site just want the bullying to stop in schools.
Kathryn - 20 - MA
My 15 Year old son has a form of Aspergers but gets bullied and made fun of all the time. I do not know what to do for him. I am lost and can't stand to see him so hurt.
Heather - 36 - Florida
So many kids/teens are being bullied all around the world and it should really stop NOW!!! I know how it feels to be frozen out but I dont know how it is with other types and I dont want to know! I really hate that so many people har being hurt on the inside and on the outside! It needs to stop now!!! Thank you for reading PS. Swedish schools have lots of things against bulliying how is it in American schools??? xxx
Indee - 12 - Sweden Gothenburg
I've been bullied ever since being in school,and now a JR in high school it's gotten worse because I'm different, although black I act white and tend to do alot of things white people do. So I get picked on..I have self-esteem and self-confidence issues so it doesn't help. I self-harm becuause of..I want it to stop to
Asia - 16 - Saint Louis, MO
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anonymous - 15 - south america