Middle and High School Activities
Free activities and resources designed for older students. The goal is to creatively engage them through conversation, event planning, activities, art and music to build their understanding of how to handle bullying situations.

5-Poster Series for Classrooms
Display these posters in the classroom, hallway, or office as a reminder that actions have impact. Order ($10 per set, $5 for each additional set), download, print, or share the 5-poster series. These 18" x 24" posters are available in English and Spanish.

What Should You Do?
An activity designed with hypothetical bullying scenarios (that are based on real events), which students can use to think through responses and solutions.

Hold a Pledge Signing Event
Encourage everyone to make a commitment to be together against bullying — and united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.

Let’s Talk About Bullying and Disability
Everyone is invited to share how they view the intersection between bullying and disability. The idea is for students with disabilities, peers, parents and siblings, school staff and others—using the medium of their choice, such as video, art, or written or spoken word—to respond to the question, “what do you want everyone to know about bullying and disability?”

Teen Talk on Cyberbullying, Video and Discussion Questions
Watch this five-minute video designed to provide authentic insight and perspective from peers on issues related to cyberbullying. Use the suggested discussion questions to continue the dialogue.

Student Created Videos and Discussion Questions
Share these teen relevant videos created by and with youth, which are supplemented with classroom discussion questions.

School Event Planning Guide
Learn the steps to planning a meaningful event. This guide provides helpful information including how to form your committee, setting the date and location, planning your activities, promoting your event, and holding the event.