Middle / High School Education
Free educational options designed for teens to creatively engage them to build their understanding and skills on how to address and prevent bullying.

Slideshow, Quiz, and Quick Guides
Provide students with an overview, through slideshow presentation or print copies, of the dynamics of bullying prevention including definition, roles, important facts, and helpful advocacy tips for self and for others.

30 - 60 Minute Lesson Plan:
Middle and High School, Introduction to the dynamics of bullying
Looking for a way to discuss bullying prevention in your classroom, school, or community organization? This lesson plan shares resources from the Teens Against Bullying website to provide the basics about bullying, offer opportunities for discussion, and set the stage for continued learning.

Week Long Education: 5 lesson plans
Middle / High School, Starting the Discussion
Promote bullying awareness in your classroom by using the activities and resources in this day-by-day toolkit. Whether you have just a few minutes or you can devote 15 to 30 minutes a day to this important issue, you'll find everything you need — downloadable materials, discussion ideas, and interesting activities.

Year-long Toolkit: 32 lesson plans
All In
Create environments, through year-long bullying prevention education, in which every student is included, involved, and invested in preventing and addressing bullying through instruction, engagement, and peer interaction.