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I Care Because
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I was made fun of by a boy in my class and he said that I was fat,ugly,stupid, and weird but I think I'm amazing the way I am so I know what it feels like to get bullied so .... DONT BULLY!!!! TRUST ME IT NOT FUN AT ALL!!!!!

Samantha - 9 - nj

bullying is not okay, and that everyone is a human and needs to be treated equally as the next person.

Kaitlyn - 14 - North Carolina

I care because I love you. Even when the rest are gone... You will always be loved by me. I want you to know that you have the world in your words. You have the will power to change the fabric of time/space with what you say. Speak up friend: use words of joy, happiness, and love living with peace. Love thy enemies, for if you feed them kindness, a shower of fire shall rain upon their heads. I tell you today and forever, don't forfeit your battles and run your race. Soon... soon your tired spirit will have the rest it needs; and If you need help, ask the right people and ye shall receive it. I can also tell you for a fact that you're not alone: As long as you've got love in your heart, whether it be mine, your friends', your family's, or your own, you'll never be alone. Just FOREVER know, I'm JUST like YOU: Loved. - Your Friend J. Paredes

Your Friend, Justin P. - 17 - Earth

I know what it was like. I had the strength to make it to today but it wasn't easy. The scars don't go away, you'll never get that time back or do a reset.

Really the only choice you have is to make a commitment today to work toward a better tomorrow.

Fabian - 30 - CA

I went through a minor depression myself, that is why I stand up for what is right at my school. My friend is going through tough times himself. He has no Mother, Farther or siblings. Everyday I see him, trade greetings, be friends. 

I always help someone in need. I help, I care, I befriend.

Joshua - 11 -

I've been bullied since my peers could talk. My wrists bleed every night. I don't want anyone to go through that. It hurts internally and externally. Help me.

Reagan - 12 - Georgia

This is for My daughter She is Sweet kind loving the most beautiful smile She is the best person you can ever have a friend ship with .My daughter has been getting bullied on and off since she was about 7 years old my daughter suffers from seizures The Medicine she was taking at that age was a type of steroid which made her gain weight and she slept alot because of the reaction in the brain when she has seizures. She is 16 now and in high school kids still bully her she always been brave and walked away or ignored whom ever who was bullying her.I always encouraged her and try to stay positive and always try to talk to someone..Kids are very very mean even Adults.Trying to keep her encouraged everyday but its hard when she has to go back to high school everyday. Where kids dont care and even some teachers..

tyra - 16 -

I care because bullying is not good. Bullying is not okay, and I wish other people can get the help I did when I was bullied.

Kai - 15 - United States

If you are being bullied please talk with someone, isn't your fault you don't have to be ashamed or, if you know someone that is being bullied please be kind with him and being his friend. That's will help a lot.

Maria - 16 - Italy

i care because i am being bullied it i dont like it. so i wanna help others.

Shanntae - 17 - Arkansaa

It's not funny. I suffered bullying for years. Today I have 28 years and I'm only alive because of my family, some close friends and many (as) psychologists and psychiatrists. I rarely leave my house. I pass all the time in my room. (playing video games, reading, drawing, playing guitar). It is very difficult to deal with anyone close to me. World... stop this. Bullying is not funny

LoneWolf - - Brazil

I care because I have depression.I know what it feels like to feel so little, and sad, I wouldn't want anyone feeling this way because some bully wanted to decide how much they're worth. Everyone is unique, and brings something different and new to the table. 

mik - 17 -

Bullying is a painful experience. I know because I've been through it and I have friends that are going through it right now at school. You never really fully recover from bullying and as you get older you'll probably start bullying so it doesn't happen to you. But it won't work. The only thing that will happen is that you will start getting bullied all over again. Bullying isn't cool, and it's actually dangerous and illegal. So many kids and teens have injured or even killed themselves because of bullies online and at school. And I know how they thought because I was headed down that road before. But I learned that ending your life over something that's able to be fixed with help and support of others. I just want to help end bullying and help lower the number of children wanting to harm themselves or are being bullied. 

Jasmyne - 12 - Texas

I'm 36 years old and was bullied my entire schooling. I don't know how I made it, but the effects of that time as a child has stayed with me. I have children of my own, and one is going through it. It enrages me, especially because of how wonderful person she is. If you see it happening, stand up. A person can only be so strong alone."

Brittney - 36 -

I know the feel of being bullied or just being put down. people who bully often dont know what they do to people. they make people feel low, insecure, etc. and it discusts me. kids commit suicide because of bullying and it breaks my heart. everyone is beautiful, everyone is unique. thats what makes us...US. we werent meant to be a copy. everyone should embrace their own flaws along with everyone elses, be nice! treat people with respect! and most importantly, LOVE EACH OTHER💝

Brianna - 15 - Arizona

I have been bullied so much and I know it hurts. The people at my school have good hearts, but they don't know how bad it feels to be bullied. There used to be one kid at my school who everyone treated differently. Even though he tried to be everyone's friend, they gave him the cold shoulder. The worst part was: They didn't understand that what they were doing was bullying. Even the teachers and coaches began teasing him. I tried to stand up for him, but then everyone would just bully me. The bullying got so bad that he had to leave the school. And when he did, everyone got excited. I don't think anyone should be put through that. That's why I started the Anti- Bullying Club at my school. Stop bullying! It HURTS!  

Natalia - 12 - California

At my school, there is lots of bullying. It really makes no sense to me because the people who are getting bullied are be themselves or minding their own business. and those kids are called weird and stupid. I stick up for those people because they don't deserve that. I mean do they really deserve being teased for being themselves? I don' think so.Even if you don't like them or think they are weird, don't point it out, let them be themselves and keep opinions to yourselves. Also, all of those bystanders out there. If you see bullying, stick up for the person being bullied. You know its wrong and you can't just stand there and let it happen. If needed, tell a trusted adult. PLEASE STOP BULLYING!!!!!

Megan - 13 - Michigan

I care becuase I hate seeing people get hurt... Physically and mentally. Another thing I HATE about bullying is that we arre all human,but we are all different. People should not get teased because they are different. It is just so wrong. Even if I dont normally hang out with someone, i will talk to them or give them a smile. It really does help. So if you see someone down, all you have to do is smile, it could make their whole day.  

... - 12 - Someplace

You are more than what bullies call you. You are who you are, but you are not the mean names they call you or try to categorize you as. You are better so don't let them get you down. You are nice, friendly and fun, and smart. Talk to someone you trust it will help because it helped me when someone called me names on the internet. I used to believe her and it put me down but i wont put me down because of someone mean.

Ray - 11 -

Bullying is not the sullotion to anything, be yourself and don't believe the bad rumors or things people say to you, because you are strong and you are most impotantly you. :)

Hannah - 9 - Virginia

There are many people out there that feel alone, and it is not fair for any of us to feel this way. From experience, bullying is not a joke, and if you are being bullied, stand up and tell someone, because keeping quiet can only cause depression, anxiety, and so much more. There are people that have been in YOUR position, so don't feel alone, because you are not."
No one should ever feel alone, like no one cares. Learn what you can do to create schools and communities that are united kindness, support and hope to all students, especially those that are vulnerable to bullying.

Stephanie - 15 - CA

I care because I been bullied ever since 3rd grade maybe younger then that. I recently had depression and anxiety and I go to counseling because kids are cruel they make fun of the way I dress my weight everything.

Marissa - 17 - Pennslyvania

There are many people out there that feel alone, and it is not fair for any of us to feel this way. From experience, bullying is not a joke, and if you are being bullied, stand up and tell someone, because keeping quiet can only cause depression, anxiety, and so much more. There are people that have been in YOUR position, so don't feel alone, because you are not. <3

Stephanie - 15 - CA


keke - 11 - tampaFL



I know how it feels to get bullied. I get bullied everyday for my height, I'm at s strong height of 6 ft and i'm still growing. I always get made fun of because I am more than the average height. Plus I am multi-culture, while girls are gushing over fetty wrap, i am getting bullied for listening to BIG BANG or listening to girls generation.Or is it that i like to read a great book than watch empire or go to a football game.That a girl of my ethnic natural i'too smart", so yeah i care. I care because i know I how it feel to feel like there is something wrong, when really you are the STAR in this darkness. 

Ravyn - 15 - Cincinnati, Oh

I Stand against bullying cuz I was someone who bullied some of my classmates and later got to know what I am doing and stood against bullying and got bullied by my friends who use to bully with me and I knew how it felt. I feel ashamed of my self but with all the help of my girlfriend I got hope and forget the past and stood against it and I am proud to say that I STAND AGAINST BULLYING.  

Naushad - 17 -

I know what it's like to be bullied. To feel worthless and a like a lost cause. No one deserves to feel this way. Underneath we are all the same. We were all created equally. We all have a purpose. We can all give something to this country. There is no reason to bully others. Especially if it's to make yourself better. It just doesn't work that way. Or at all. Bullying needs to stop!! 

Shyanna - 15 - Wyoming

I care because it isn't big to make someone feel small. It's not fair to bully someone. Most importantly I believe bullying at school is just not ok you are taking away the education and time from someone. I care because no one should have their education taken away from them.

Emily - 12 - California

I care because I have been bullied mostly all my life it just recently stopped when I graduated high school I have been through depression early in life and also has tried to take my own life I am living breathing proof that things do get better and now I'm stronger than ever and now I know I have a purpose to fulfill in life and that is to educate other people on bullying , becoming more and more aware each day that bullying is NEVER ACCEPTABLE under any circumstances. 

Breyanah - 19 - Harvey, IL

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