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I Care Because
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I care because I feel like everybody is a beautiful person and nobody should put each other down. I'm not trying to sound like a hippie or anything, its just...I have witnessed so much bullying and it really breaks my heart. I don't understand the point in bullying someone just because they were different. Different could be really good, but nobody wants to give it a chance. I have been bullied before, but I told my mom as soon as it started. And I thought that the whole situation at the time was really stupid because the problem I had could have been solved with a 30-second conversation. I mean, like, really???!!!! The girls who had a problem with me could have come up to me themselves and we all would have understood that it was all a misunderstanding. And that can be the case for many bullying situations. Communication is more important than you think. My only recommendation for any victims is tell someone....please. Please just tell someone, I'm not trying to sound like some cheesy commercial, I'm being real. You need to tell someone. If you have no one to tell, reach out to a guidance counselor at school or a teacher. It could really help you, you don't deserve to live in fear. When you tell someone, you are taking the bullies power away. Anyway....umm....that is why I care.

Guadlupe - 12 - A Place

During the second grade I developed a tick disorder similar to Tourette's syndrome.  I was confused and embarrassed by my involuntary blinks and twitches and the ridicule of my classmates made me feel less than worthless.  Because of which,  I began suffering from anxiety attacks that made me wished that I was invisible.  I chose not to participate in class and kept to myself during lunch and recess.  This reclusive behavior only made me seem weirder and gave the bullies another reason to taunt me.   It was only with the help of my parents and two very special teachers that I became more accepting of my condition.  Once they convinced me that I had more to offer in life, I transformed into a totally different person.  Every year when I start a new school grade, I still get teased about my twitches, but I can handle it.  It is no big thing because I refuse to let anyone define me because of something I cannot control.  Through the years I have worked very hard to maintain an A average (and won President Obama's  Academic Excellence  Award), earned a green belt in Tiger Schulman's Karate and I am very active in the Elk's charity events that raise money for disabled children and veterans.  The more interests I developed, the more friends I made who liked me for my  personality .

Riley - 14 - NJ

I care bc I am sick and tired of everybody bring judge on there pass or there act or how they look it is so mean to be a bully and wen I use to be around bully's i was like uhhh...this not me bye I don't do this I have been bullied before but I told a adult tell your principle your teacher or you parents and if the person keep doing to jus laugh and walk away and say thank you and then they will say man that did not hurt them then you'll be the bigger and better and smarter person and tell them think before you act 

Aliyah - 10 - Maywood

Bullying is a serious thing. I've been bullied before and it hurts. It hurts a lot. It feels like everyone hates you. I even thought of suicide when I was bullied, even attempted it. My friends stopped me.They showed me they cared. They made me feel important. They made me feel like a HUMAN BEING. That's why I care. We all deserve to be loved. Love you all. Hope you take care of your bullying situations and inspire others!  

Jasmine - 12 - Washington

I am 15 years old and still get bullied to this day about my weight. When will the schools do something about it ? when its too late to do anything, when the bullies push people over the limit. Well if you're on here and you are getting bullied just know I care, and you're beautiful just the way you are! Don't ever change because someone wants you too, change because you want to do it for yourself. xoxo stay beautiful and or handsome (: You're amazing and rad don't ever change! 
xoxo Cheri 

Cheri - 15 - Ca

I can relate. I've moved around a lot in my life, and I find people are very, shall we say unaccepting, towards stranger. I've had friends hurt me, strangers shove me, and people just randomly shove my stuff on the ground. 

Always remember that just because no one fully understands exactly what you've gone through, doesn't mean they can't help or just be there for you. Just because bullying happens everywhere, doesn't make it right. Find someone who will help you get out of the sadness-pit you fall into every time you think of the hurt. Cause the least they could do, is just sit in there with you. 

L. Flint - 15 - United states

No one should be bully, my girl have been bully since 3-6 grade, she self harms her self, i made her stop by being right by her. I don't others to go that path, i don't want no one to kill them self nor self harm them self, its heartful to see other in pain. Please stop the bully, don't make other suffer nor end there life ;'(

faysa - 14 - NY

I have ADHD, it's hard to sit in class, it's hard to listen to a teacher, and sometimes i just black out and miss a whole part of what the teacher is talking about. I get yelled at a lot in class by teachers. I used to have to take medication every day, now I can control it more. I have friends that tease me a lot, I don't know if it's actually bullying, but it makes me upset and sometimes i go home crying. I regret everything that comes out of my mouth, and have spent hours regretting things. I just want this to stop. It's either I'm too loud or I'm not talking at all. I feel really dumb because I get a lot of B's and my friends all get A's. But you know what, that's who I am. I may be socially awkward and scattered, and know my time management skills SUCK but if I had the choice to not have ADHD I would say no. Because I don't want to feel normal, I want to feel like myself. I just wanted to say some kids can be jerks, but you don't need to change just because somebody doesn't like who you are. If we were all the same life would be boring. 

Katherine - 13 - Michigan

hi I've been bullied for these past 2 year now and I've tried to tell an adult at my school but they still wont take care of this situation. This girl try's to track me down all day long. finally my parents went up there and all that the principle said was she doesn't have to go to school anymore. This has been so hard to try to ignore. she also comes to my house harassing me. I want to take part and stop bullying!     

avery - 14 - amarillo tx

i know what it feels like to get bullied iv'e  been bullied my whole life and no one seems to care because they think it is funny but  it's not i want every one to know that they are beautiful and when some one calls you fat it doesn't make them skinnier and when you get called ugly that doesn't make any one prettier so just keep on being you and don't change for any body if they don't like you for you they don't deserve a friend like you 

natacia - 13 - michigan

People should not bully other people. Advocacy groups like this one are very smart to help encourage people to stop bullying. Bullying should not happen because people are who they are. We are all people.
I don't understand why people make people feel bad all the time so they can feel better about themselves. It is kinda sickening. This is why I care.

Dennis - 15 - Florida

When I was in the 4th grade I used to get bullied, and the reason why I think that Bully's bully other kids is because they used to get bullied themselves and the only way to make them feel better is to bully somebody else. STOP BULLYING!!!!!!!

Skyla - 12 - Kipp Dc: Will

I care because three years ago i lost a close friend due to bullying. She had her own problems going on at home and when we would come to school we both would get bullied. We spoke and told many of the teachers and staff but no one ever did something about it.It got to the point of where she ended up killing herself.You never know what people are going through then to add more on top of it.No one should ever feel the need to want to kill themselves because of other people BULLYING IS NOT RIGHT!!!! and a stop needed to come to end bullying. its still very hard for till this day knowing i have lost my friend because of others peoples doing or hurt words. Im here for anyone that needs help or to talk to i Know what your going through and how it feels. Together we can make a difference and take a stand. This is why i care it shouldn't have to end someones life. No one should want to end there life because of this.I CARE AND I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND TAKE A STAND!!! 

krithony - 17 -

bullying is wrong no one should be put down for how they look dress or act it is just wrong this is why for my 20% I will be making a video to prevent bullying!!!!!

Emily - 13 - California

I have been bullied throughout the entire time I've been in school. I was picked on for being weird and different then others. I was teased for always caring about others and family. I was hurt with words and those words caused me to do things I did to myself. I was tossed around the locker room and hit by my so called "friends". I had friends that called me names and it hurt me. I hurt my self and others because I thought it would make me feel better but it didn't. I have been talking to my family about it but they also caused some of those hurtful things mostly my sisters. Now my sisters are helping me and i have a family that love me for me. I don't need friends all I need is animals and family. 

Raylee - 14 - WY

I care because humans do NOT deserve to be bullied. Everyone is equal. I think that we should all "treat others how you want to be treated." Follow the Golden Rule, and sign the petition! Why should someone get bullied because they're "weird?" They're only "weird" because you aren't used to it. If we all expected the worst, we would be pleasnlty surprised, and not bully anyone. 
Girl: OMG you didn't wear pink like I told you to! I wanted to MATCH! Besides, blue looks so ugly on you.
SOLUTION: OMG, blue? That's, like, the BEST color ever! I love that color too! We're like cotton candy. 

See the difference? 

Anyways, I hope this message gets through to everyone. 

Seren - 12 - Virginia

I know what it's like. I've been bullied since I was in the 4th grade. It has just recently came to an end when I got in high school. It's not nice to be bullied. You feel alone. People say tell an adult, but most of the time the adults doesn't do anything. But when you don't tell nobody and it goes on for years things gets worse than it began. First it starts off with verbal bullying, next is emotional, then  physical, then cyber-bullying. There is so many types of bullying; and neither one of them is good. Bullying is bullying. It hurt people. It destroys lives, families, and friendships. A little piece of advice the people that bully you are more likely going to be family members or people who you thought was your friends. Don't let bullying destroys your life. Every life is precious. 

Shalynda - 16 - Alabama

I care because there is no reason for bullying. Everyone should be treated equally.

Emily - 13 - West Virginia

I know how difficult it can be because I've been there. It hurts to be bullied and I wanna stop bullying. I even started an anti bullying club at my school called Be Nice Be You. It has helped so many kids at my school and even me! We are the only school in my district that has an anti bullying club so we are going around the district to other schools to spread the word and educate the public about this issue and also let the victims know they are'not alone. Just remember everyone, Be Nice Be You!!!

Lacie - 14 - Kentucky

I care because at a young age I was bullied by not only people at school but also people in my house. I was 10 when I started cutting, I always thought that no one cared so when I was 16 I tried to hang my self and a friend found me. She yelled at me and told me she was there for me after that I had to go through conseling it helped. But it was still there I was still being bullied, but now I know how it feels so when I see someone being bullied I speek out. I know it hurts and I wish there was more people who can really help and stop others from hurting themselves and to stop hurting others. Words hurt and some people just dont understand how bad they hurt others. 

Leah - 18 - Michigan

I think bullying is stupid when i see someone get mocked at or called names i stand yp for that person i hate to see someone without a smile on their face i try and make them laugh i was bullied for a long time they quite and moved on as soon as they seen that three years didnt really phase me i hate to see people cry i dont like to see a lot of people judging on another it hurts to know that society is based on what we look like ore what we wear i mean i think its kinda stupid 

Jozie - 16 - North Vernon Indiana

I feel like I'm going through it and I don't want other kids to get hurt or heart broken by bullies

Stephany - 12 - Santa Barbara,CA

i have been bully almost all thorough sixth grade and i want it to stop no more bullying

Kaitlyn - 12 - North Carolina

I care because nobody deserves to suffer from the torture of bullying.  I felt all that pain and survived. To this this day i do all all i can the ensure that everybody treated with the love and respect they deserve. 

TROY Abraham - 25 - HI - Hawaii

There are these cyberbullies on a writing site that have harassed me and my friends for a very long while, making hate accounts all about us. I don't want anything to happen to them, but there is nothing I can do because no matter how much I report these accounts they keep coming back and I am actually afraid for my friends and myself. Cyberbullying is a nasty thing that people do to boost themselves up, but no one ever expects that people that are harmed will take the next step against themselves. Cyberbullies and bullies should be cracked down on, but no one is doing anything for the victims. I have been the victim of bullying, I don't know how I survived it, but sometimes things go too far and someone should do something.

Morgan - 17 -

no one should have to feel alone or invisible because people are cruel in school or online. Everyone deserves to have a voice. Bystanders need to stand up for what they KNOW is right. Stand up for the person being unfairly treated because it may end up that you save their life. No one deserves being bullied, so stand together and end it!

Emily - 14 - IL

i was bullied and its not right for kids to have to live through the pain

thomas - 13 - new jersey

I always been bullied since I was a kid.I'm still been bullied even I'm 16,I have no friends...I'm alone..I always hurts physically and emotionally..I hope there were "the international organization" that could bring me to anti bullying meeting
...but at the same time I want (bullying things about me) to be keep as a secret...james not my real name by the way
..I'm not living in uk

james - 16 - uk

It's always better to help out in bullying. It is so much better to be with others than to go solo. So try to help everyone and anyone. Also learn both sides of the story. The bully might have a sad back round and may need a friend.

GAMERSUNION - 12 - New York

Majority of my elementary and middle school years I was bullied . Thoughtout my life I was a heavy set guy and for that kids always pointed and laughed this was the worst feeling ever. Kids and even teachers yes the teachers I know it's sad but this is reality. The way I delt with mine was staying close to family. I know not everyone has a lot of siblings like I did but having a church family is just as good. The church allowed me to meet other kids my age And helped me a lot with bullying but it's always people there for you. It is true that you are never alone. And I do understand that there are some good kids and teachers out there I just hope that no ever will have to go threw Wat I went threw much love to all 

Jarvis - 19 - Memphis

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