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I Care Because
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i've always been left out from friends circle. they never encourage me cause i ha big dreams and belonged to small soceity. cause i had different intretsts

Aathi - 18 - India

i get bullied because i'm small and my personality. As though the way i act is as if i don't care, which i sort of don't, it gets to me sometimes. I try to avoid it or just ignore it but people just keep going on. So, i care because i don't want others to feel bad about themselves because people are rude for no reason.

Johnny - 11 - Florida

I was bullied as well. I had girls curse me out and I hated that. I had to remind the monitor that it was her job to protect me. I don't think anyone deserves to be verbally bullied as words can hurt like bullets. No one deserves to be treated like that just because they're different. 

Priyansha - 13 - New Dehli, India

this is not right to do to people!!!!!!

kevin - 9 - denverr

I care because no child should ever be treated in a manner that they could get harmed. And everybody deserves equal rights.

Jomey - 25 - Texas

I was bullied by this girl in my school on the internet she hurt me so much that I cried myself to sleep. She apologized but it lasted two months I ended up having to tell my principle because I was afraid to talk to my parents about it never believe what people say about you because it can hurt.

Morgan - 14 - Michigan

I've been bullied since kindergarten I am now in 6th grade and the bullying stopped a little bit but it still happens Ive been bullied by friends and family members my friend always hits me she keeps saying I'm her punching bag but I'm not I've been trying to act cool and tough and eventually that raised my grades down I stay home alone all the time so I can cry by myself but I'm not gonna change just cause people want to bully me remember just to be yourself and ignore what people say cause we're all unique in out own way 😂💖

Charisma - 11 - Arizona

I've been bullied all my life util my mother and thought it was time to home school me . Of course i did not want to do it i thought i could stick up for myself..i got lied to.. This one boy he was hitting me like why?! why would he hit a girl?! i was confused like why everybody would talk about me my sister i just kept saying why.. So i care because i want everybody who is getting bullied to stick up for themselves.. Because i did not at that was a mistake because i wanted to kill myself but i didn't because i know those bullies did not deserve my life so that is why i hope and pray everybody stands up for themselves.

Jaaniah - 16 - Los Angeles California

I care because just imagine yourself in that situation wouldn't you want someone to help. So i care 

Selwyn - 15 - Brooklyn,NY

I was bulled all through my primary school years and just as I thought I was free from all the emotional trauma I experienced bullying all over again. In year 4 of my primary school years I joined a new school and that is where all the bullying began. this all affected my schoolwork and my behavior. I started failing all my classes except for English because I believed English was my escape, I loved reading books and that was the only thing the learners in the school could not take from me. I feared going to school, I would cry every morning thinking about all the things the learners where going to say and do to me. I got through bullying through books, a bit of therapy and support from my mum.

Morgan - 17 - South Africa

because the world is not understanding how serious this is. Lives matter. All those beautiful people that could've become something in this world and because of this horribleness they can't show us :( 

Jason - 15 - LA, California

...when I was in school. ( 6-10th grade) I was bullied. I was different.  Always a little chubby, with glasses and I was creative/ artistic. I was picked on for how I looked and for the interests I had, in the arts. This experience not only affected my adult relationships ( makor lack of trust) But, it has subconsciously kept me from following my talent. I will do whatever I can to protect young people, from the same fate.

Christopher - 46 - Raleigh, North Carolina

I care because, I feel everyone should be treated fairly. No one should be judged for not having a lot of money, not being in a certain sport, no one should be judged for anything. I want to take a stand and take bullying out of my school. Everyone should realize we are all people, just fighting different battles. 

Reagan - 14 - Pennsylvania

I care because i don't like seeing people down. No one can tell you who you are, what to do and how to be. Everyone is awesome and unique in their own way and that's more than enough.People shouldn't have to hide or feel they should need to be isolated from the world. 

Osasha - 14 - Pennsylvania

 I care because we all have feelings. Nobody should be bullied for how they look, live, or for being themselves, or for anything. Nobody is perfect, but everyone is human, and nobody deserves to be hurt. Everybody deserves to have respect, confidence, and the right to be themselves. 

Alana - 14 - Pennsylvania

I never been bullied but I want bullying to end for all.

Nusrat - 8 -

I care because sometimes I get bullied.

- 23 -

I care because I've felt it my whole life and it really hurts my feelings.

Trey - 13 - Alabama

I would hate for anyone else to feel the way that I did for so many years in school. It truly sucked and everyone should have a chance to enjoy their childhood. Its time for people to use kindness to make themselves feel better not hate.

Jasmen - 17 - DE

people shouldnt always get picked on how they looked like

jzzania - 13 - houston,texas

I care because i've read all of these other comments and i've cried my last tear because not only have i got bullied but i've bullied people. Some of the people i have bullied those people did the same thing some of the people in the comments has done but they have cut themselves, or even killed themselves. I care because bullying is not okay, people being bullied breaks my heart and now I will become one of those people who will break this awful chain of disapointment and dispair i'm not just going to be a bystander.        

Shelby - 12 - ALABAMA

I have a Granddaughter that has been a victim of bullying, not just from students, but from also a teacher. Thats also can wreck a Childs life, but that really goes ignored by Schools. They always can make a excuse if you try to say a teacher is actually bullying your child, ( and they do it way to much) . I just wish there was anything i could do to feel I could help with this sad situation. There is not enough attention put on it, not in our situation anyway.It has brought my beautiful Granddaughter so many emotional problems. Shes is actually scared to death to go to School.

Julie - 49 - Alabama

I care because kids all around the world are getting bullied and no one wants to help out.

Alexia - 15 - New Jersey

I was bullied for 7 years and it damaged me emotionally and I probably always carry the emotional damage they inflicted. No one deserves to feel like they are lesser or as if they don't matter. Everyone matters.

Alaniz - 18 - Arizona

Lots of children from around the world gets bullied and I am one of them and I want to help other people get through tough times because it's not right. I would like to share a poem with you guys to show that your not alone. Open your heart to the peace of love and harmony, Open your mind to somewhere magical filled with love and delight. Open your mind to the innocent laugh and the innocent kind hearts. Open your mind to the joy of happiness. Open your mind to trust and to forgive. Open your mind to the sweetness and hope. Amen. 
Thank you for reading hope this helps

Kamaria - 14 - London

I was bullied from 4th grade up till now, and i know how hard it is to deal with. Being laughed at every day at school, being called horrible names (that I won't repeat); having garbage thrown at you, people calling you "ugly". It destroys your mind, and affects your outlook on life. Honestly, it helps to do your best to ignore it. Bullies are insecure, so they make others feel like crap. Some of them ave problems as well, they just lay their problems on us. It is important to realize it will pass. It will always pass. You need to stay as strong as you can.Talk to someone, write in a journal. Do not bully back, be as nice as you can to them so they will stop. I hope this helps somebody.

Hanna - 14 - Rochester, Pennsylvania.

There are people who wake up each morning with dread, scared to go to school because they fear what might happen. Will they be teased on the bus? Kicked down in the hallway? They won't know till the go and find out. It hurts them emotionally and physically when they enter a building they no longer feel safe in. They may feel as if they have no one to talk to or rely on. So when you ask me why I care. Just remember that your best friend could be the person I'm talking about. Or even you. It is a choice to be a bully. It was never a title to deserve. Be the best person you can be.

Ryan - 16 - Iowa

I have been bullied, I have dealt with the pain.. I have been called things, I have been pushed around and I have first hand cried myself to sleep at night. I will not tolerate anyone who bullies others.

Kaitlyn - 17 - Minnesota

    I care because I have been bullied in the past. I still go to school with the girls it's not as bad as it was because I told on them but it still hurts to look at them because the memories really hurt. The bullying got so bad at one point that I started hating myself and that led me to start doing bad habits and that just made it all worse. I felt like no one cared when in reality people did care. Bullying is a close subject to my heart because I know how it feels and its not easy. No One deserves to be bullied! Thats why we (this generation needs to make a change!) I believe we can do it if we work together. '')

Salma - 14 - Riyadh

I care because I have a lot of friends that got bullied and I stood up for them and I get teased for it and get called names from a lot of people and I'm trying a lot of ways to stop bullying, All the time when I see someone getting pushed around or being called something that is not nice I report it and I have been awarded at my school for the most person who stood up and I did not want the award because I am doing what I want to stop. (Before you say something or do something to someone think of what you would feel like if you got called that or if someone did that to you.)    

Evelyn - 13 - wisconsin

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