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When I was in 3rd grade, I used to get bullied and jumped by a bunch of kids a grade or two under me, there was like 20 of them.I was afraid for a while, but then I decided to get some kids to stick up for me, and I started taking self-defense classes.It still has a drastic effect on me today and my personality has totally changed since it happened. I now care extremely what people think of me. I wish no one ever has to go through this. 

Anouynoumous - 12 - ???

Being a bully as well as a victim is a horrible thing nobody should go through as I grew older i realized the wrongs I did and I apologize to everyone I had hurt. I would feel alone but I learned to express my emotions through art and writing things down no one deserves to be bullied and you are never truly alone.

Jesus - 22 - California

I believe in treating others the way you want to be treated and I despise bullying and its time for bullying to end starting with us taking it one step at a time. Also my girlfriend was bullied and want to take her life but before we became a couple it was i who stopped her and told her she was worth it and was worth being on this earth and so much she has to accomplish and dreams that needs to be born.

O'Shea - 18 - GA

I have been bullied every and ik how it feels so just be your slef ppl

Destinee - 13 -

I used to get bullied all the time in grade school, for being to skinny I was always left alone I had no friends no one to turn to when I just wanted to let everything out. I would of told one of my parents,but they wouldn't listen always more worried about what my little sister had to say. I don?t want people people to go through the same thing I did Im telling all of you this, because I wanted to tell you don?t listen to those haters they are just wanting to make others feel worthless because thatś the way that they fell. Tell a trusted teacher or sibling, trust me It will get better I know from experience. I hope you all are smiling you all are amazing in every way, thank you for reading this if you did I am writing this from my heart, Lots of LOVE Jessica. <3 

Jessica - 15 - Alton, TX

I have been bullied my hole life and I have seen how the pain can destroy you and lead you to wanting to end your life. it was hard for me because I was a special ed student and was bullied by other in the same classes and in mainstream. teachers never cared enough and my high school experience was terrible but I can say wasn't as physically abusive as other students in other schools were and have been and still are sadly! I began helping others on facebook when I became stronger because I know it maybe hard but we can all be stronger if we continue to fight and help one another and never give up and together no one can bring us down and destroy us ever again! :)

Antony - 29 - Western Massachusetts

I care because bullying is bad and you should do something about it 

Kanczes - 13 - PA

I always thought that I didn't fit in or have friends. Although I do have a few friends.
Since First grade to forth grade I Had a hard time makeing friends. Once I want to middle school I spread out and made new friends. I was always known as strange and urn popular. I knew I wasn't ment to be popular. I tried to make friends from different clubs and sports I do have new friend but in 7th grade the girls are rude and are just trying to be popular and perfect so boys like them. 😒 You should be yourself girls pick a few people I know that I am happy to say are not my friends only want to be friends with people that are wealthy in some way and have nice things. People should not judge others by there wealth and things, judge them by there personally and if there like you. Be yourself an d chose who you want to be friends with.😄

Abigail - 12 - Pennsylvania

I have been bullyed and told i was a diffrent gender,been told im gay even though im not and have had pictures taken of me so that people can put them on social media for people to make fun of

Spencer - 12 - Penslvaina

I am made fun of by a kid in my ELA class and it won't stop he'll make comments about my hair and just overall be really rude to me please stop bullying l-/

GhostCat - 13 - Pittsburgh PA

Bullying is wrong and very hurtful. I do not like to see others sad and hurting. Bullying is happening way too much and sometimes the kids don't think they have anyone to talk to. Me and some friends were bullied in car rider line at school so I decided to start S.B.K. - Save Bullied Kids. We encourage others to be kind and do what we can to prevent bullying. I hope we can help make a change. We should all love one another and treat each other the way we want to be treated. 

Ava - 9 - Alabama

I care because i know exactly how it feels to get bullied its not an easy thing to deal with and i want to help people with it 

Israel - 15 - California

I was a victim of bullying all throughout grade school. I was severely bullied. I felt small and not good enough. I had no friends and I felt like an outcast. I'm currently in college. I just want to say, if you are struggling in grade school and feel as if you're not good enough. Just know that you are good enough and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Don't give up.You are special and one of a kind and no one can hurt you unless you let them. Next time you step in the halls of your school know that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. No one can hurt you unless you let them. I know it's hard to ignore them but just remember you are loved. 

Monet - 24 - NY

I was on FB today & saw a video posted by a mother in desperate need. In this video her teenage daughter was attacked by several people (boys & girls). When I saw this I immediately took it upon myself to inbox this parent to send my sympathy & I also reassured her that if her or her daughter needed anything they could contact me. Even though I don't know these people I want to help sincerely. Can I get anyvsuggestions on how I can do so? 

Kayla - 27 - SC

I have been bullied before and i am actually in the current position of being bullied at school and online.  I've tried to talk to counselors about my problem but it doesn't seem to ever help me.. i think about suicide every single day but i am still living. Please Stay strong!

anonymous - 15 - California

My daughter is 5 & she is a victim... she has befriended the bully and she thinks he is her friend! She loved school and now is faking sick so she doesn't have to go... she comes home with several marks and bruises... the school seems like it's not as serious as I know it is, this has effected her in so many ways... I have even took it as far as calling the police and I'm getting the same there as well, sense it's not a life or death situation I have been put a side... my daughter is having nightmares and her behavior has changed in so many ways, she is not happy to have to go to school anymore. My heart is braking for her and my anger is had to keep control of. I'm stuck as to what to do or where to go anymore. I know the effects of bullying and know what happens if not addressed! Not sure if I came to the right website but I would like to let it be know, the bully hurts the victims family as well... I remain strong for my daughter and will fight to get the school, the police and everyone to listen and be aware of what bullying can do to a sad, shutdown, once happy school loving child but now unhappy scared to sleep or go to school she is crying out for help yet it seems no one can hear her! I'm so overwhelmed and broken as she is worse than what is seen on the outside. Thank u

Terra - 31 - MICHIGAN

I care because I was once a child that felt like I just didn't fit in even though I always had a lot of friends.  It's much deeper than the number of friends you have.  When I grew up I equated happiness and doing well with designer shoes nice clothes,money and a wealth of personal belongings. Everyone didn't have the same privilege. It wasn't until I was a young adult that I discovered how special I was and having all those "things" doesn't make me a good person. I had mentors, friends, family and awesome teachers who help me grow and increase my self- esteem. Now as an adult I realize how important it is to get my students to discover the gifted and good person they are and that it has nothing to do with what they own.

Marsha - 51 - Jeannette, PA

I been bullied  by kids. We need to stop it now

Eric - 10 - MMINNESOTA

Bullying traumatized me into high school. I care because I now suffer from depression, anxiety, and body dysmorphia. I care because I will never make anyone feel the way those bullies made me feel. I care because every life is prescious.

Jana - 18 - Indiana

I think bullying is wrong because it hurts people feelings.

lola - 19 - ferriday,LA

I have experienced it and its unjust to people, I have started an anti-bullying group in my school and we will help stop it!!!

Emilio - 14 - Mineral Wells, Texas

I used to attend CSMS, but I switched because I was severely bullied and nobody was helping me besides my parents. I spent the majority of the second semester doing school at my house because I felt safe at my house. I still remember walking into school everyday and people looking at me like I am odd. I used to be liked by almost everybody, there was this girl who did not like me and did not like the fact that I was nice and so she started telling all these horrible lies about me. Everyone would look at me like I was this troubled kid. About 50 people believed this one girl and I had only 2 people on my side who were too scared to stand up for me. I care because I have been in a very scary and horrible bullying situation and I want to try and prevent bullying as much as possible. I have started a # on twitter where people can openly tell their bullying story, because some people don't have someone to talk to like a parent like I did. And it must be scary not having anyone to talk to, which is why I wanted to start a #

Anonymous - 14 - Texas

WHY? Why do i let people get under my skin? look people are cruel that is just who people are and we as one should stand  for our justice, and shouldn't us victims be able to have a great 4 years of high school like everyone else but people just take it from us. NO! we need to fight back it is our time to stand against these bullies cause its unfair, YES i said its unfair we should all be treated the same not one person, kid, adult, or anyone is above another we are all human so STOP.

Jena - 15 - florida

I am creating a website for bullying prevention and care about kids being bulllied.

Marcus1 - 11 - Virginia

I spent most of my days in school being bullied since I was 13 years old, until I was 17. It was a really bad experience for me and it mold me into what I am today. I am very introverted and It is very hard for me to make friends since I can't trust people.In addition as a result of the bullying I have social anxiety and very low self-esteem, plus depression. I don't want anybody else to suffer bullying and to have the same consequences as me. That is why I am here, bullying needs to be stopped. 

Fergie - 20 - Massachusetts

I have been bullied my hole life and it's gave my depression stress and my mom is so scared and mad and let's put a end to bullies 

Dillon - 12 - Minasota

i was bullied before and not just was i still am getting bullied because i am a girl in the 6th grade and people pick on me because of 2 things and that is my face and my shoes its not my fault if i cant afford name brand shoes my face is that i am breaking out with lite spots but it is blending in with my my my color sometimes i cry but then when i stop and think about everything i tell myself that they are only hurting themselves and i also say i am going to put a stop to this and i did cause now i am the school president in till i leave for high shcool and know the kids that bullied me are jealous

Audrianna - 11 - nc aulander

I have been there as well. I see a little bit of light that used to shine bright in me and I now use it to shine and be my very best you matter to this world I know where you come from.

michael - 15 - Great Falls SC

I care because I have had past experiences with bullying which had made me into the strong person I am today. I get that everyone has something going on in their lives and do not deserve to be put down by anyone no matter what.

Keira - 15 - England

i care because ive never been bullied and im sorry if ur bullied life must suck but remember stand strong

max - 10 - utah

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