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Family Engagement Matters!
The Minnesota Statewide Family Engagement Center (MNSFEC) aims to increase students’ academic achievement by supporting families, educators and communities in regular education. MNSFEC provides a variety of free services, such as workshops, webinars, professional development, and presentations. The Center works to increase family engagement for all families across the State, but has a particular focus on addressing the needs of families from low-income and diverse communities.
The Center’s multicultural staff (Hmong, Latino, Somali and African American) can answer questions from families about their child’s learning and school-related issues. Families, schools, educators and communities learn how to build stronger family-school partnerships and communicate more effectively with one another. Resources are available in three languages.
Resource and training topics for families, educators and communities include:
- Improving home-school communication
- Supporting students and families with culturally responsive teaching and learning strategies
- Increasing academic achievement
- Strengthening school readiness
- Enhancing family literacy
- Promoting and supporting parent leadership
Family Engagement Newsletter Sign Up
Parents and professionals: sign up to get the latest tips, tools, and resources for supporting family engagement with schools.
Published every other month.