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Posted: 1/29/2013

WHY? . . . is a question i ask myself everyday.

When i'm at school i ask it to myself more than anything.

I've been bullied forever, like ever since preschool. Bullying isn't a fun thing to mess with. I mean i've attempted suicide because of it, i self harmed because of it. And recently i've been put in a hospital because of it.

I tell people, they don't believe me. Adults don't see how much pain another student can put you through.

WHY? i'm still asking. WHY? it has to be me, WHY? do i have to live through this.

i wish it is easier to ignore it. But it's not. You can't ignore it, You become blinded by it. Bullying makes your self esteem go bad. i can't even look myself in the mirror anymore.

Because of it, i've made mistakes i don't wanna remember.

I Just Want To Scream, And Be Heard.

Bullying is bad yes, But if you find enough people to Try to stop it, im guessing it can be a lot easier.

Stay Strong.

By: Jillian loves You All.