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Stay Strong

Posted: 1/11/2013

Dear World,

My name is Allison. I’m 14 years old almost 15. I’ve been bullied for years. It was mostly verbal, and emotional bullying for years, then in 6th grade it stopped.  I thought, oh yeah it’s all over. Well I was wrong. Then 7th grade came. It got bad. People were pushing, me and it got really violent. It started off verbal, and emotional again, then it got to violent for me.

In 7th grade after all this started up I started to harm myself. I would bite my one arm when I was really down. There were times where I didn’t really want to do anything to be anywhere anymore. My mom ended up getting very ill near the beginning of the year of 2012. She was diagnosed with cancer. It hurt a lot. I got make fun of all the time because of my mom being very sick. It got to that point where I didn’t want to go to school anymore.

There was a time last school year when I ended up getting bullied online. When that went down that was the last straw. I was so hurt, that I went to school and went in to the principals office and talked to her. I told her how bad I feel and what is going on. That quickly got resolved but the rest was ignored.

Then this year came. The 8th grade. It was going good so far. I wasn’t hurting myself, until the 4th day of school. I got dis-included in school at the lunch table. That day I sat by myself. That was when I noticed that I couldn’t do this by myself. I then contacted . They are helping me so much.

Right now I am still being bullied severely. Just recently I tried to make sure a friend was safe, but well that failed. She turned on me and sent threatening messages to me online, stating that she wanted to beat me in the face and that the world would be a better place with out me. It was really bad stuff she was saying to me. Then we got back from break and she brought it to school. One day I said “I’m done!” I went straight to the principal and told her that I am scared of being in school or even near school.  We got together with the bully herself, the counselor and the principal and me, it got worse. We talked, but nothing happened, until now we got the cops involved, but they aren’t doing much though. It’s so hard for me not to cry anymore. Every day I wish that it would get better, and that none of this would be happening.

I’m staying so strong for those that need help. I’m in charge of a anti-bully group at school, and is a big anti-bully person myself. I have a blog called, "". I’ve also made a poster board for anti-bullying, with that song "Why" by Rascal Flatts.

Please don’t forget that your not alone. Stay strong, and don’t give up.

Thank you for reading my story.

By: Allison