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Posted: 12/4/2012

I am 26 years old. Growing up I was bullied from second grade to my second year of college daily!

In elemantary school kids boys and girls called me every name possible, during lunch had food thrown at me, kids would circle around me and tease me until I cried. At recess had balls thrown at me and pushed to the ground. During gym class I was always last to be picked and fought over who had to have me on their team.

In middle school the same kids called me names, tripped me in the hallway, nobody wanted me on their team at gym class. Continued into High School same could not walk down the hallway without being pushed or name called. Kids put a thumb tack and gum on my chair. I ate lunch by myself.

I made my first friend in 10th grade. Before that any time I would make a friend the kids who bullied me told my friend they could not be my friend. I was even  made fun the night of my high school graduation.

First year of college was just as bad. Finally stopped second year of college. After so many years of being horribly bullied I walked away as a stronger, caring, loving person! I am known to be a happy,bubbly, love to meet new people, person.

As I tell my friends I am always a phone call away. It was extremely difficult, hurtful, and confusing, didn't understand why my guidance counselor or teachers could not help me. The horrible memories never go away. Going through what I went through I can relate and always there to be a friend and listen to someone who is being bullied.

The most important thing from someone who is being bullied is to have a trusting friend!

Words can't describe the daily pain people go through.

There are positive ways to look at the situation and doesn't always have to end negatively.

Like I said before it has made a stronger person.

By: Ashley