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I Care Because
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Being bullied is hard. It can happen to anyone. The key is not to let it get to you. What truly matters is how you take it. You can either get angry and try to get them back OR brush it off and carry on with your life. It can't hurt you if you don't let it. Always remember that you're not alone. People care about you. Its okay to reach out.

Hannah - 16 - Virginia

In middle school I was bullied for being over weight and it was awful. People would calling me fat@$$ and beached whale. After going on for so long some kids told me I should kill myself. For being that fat and that I was a disgusting person for my weight.  After a year long of torment I began self harm and I was actually bulimic just to impress these people that I didn't even care. It got to the point where I shattered and felt completley worthless. I actually thought of killing my self because I didn't know what to do. It was just a very hard time and dark time. To this day I still struggle with weight even though I have lost a lot of it..I have no self esteem or confidence. I'm still dealing with depression. The physical abuse stops and heals but it's the words and things they say that you carry with you. They leave the worst scars.

andy - 16 - california

bullying is hurtful, it hurts our self-esteem and our sense of belonging to a community or group. It is cruel, unproductive for all involved and maddening. It's been going on forever but it has to change as women's right to vote became a reality, as children's right did too, or as animal cruelty became a punishable crime. Living in a society where bullying is prohibited could change things from its core. Maybe one day in less than 100 years who knows, we will be able to live a life in which compassion is the most valuable human quality.

Turquesa - 50 - California

The saying, "Sicks and bones can break your bones, but words will never hurt" is untrue because words DO hurt.  It isn't right to be bullied, and even if it isn't physical, words by itself can hurt all the way past your bones.  

UnKnown - 12 - Washington DC

because i know what it feels like to get beaten or picked on every day and i know the pain and i want to make a difference and stick up for my peers that are bullied so they dont have to expierence the pain i did.

Allie - 15 - Michigan

Alot of things have happened to me that are going on to others and I'm not happy about it. HELP STAND AGAINST THE BULLIES. STAND FOR THE SMALLER KIDS AND HELP THEM REGAIN CONFIDINCE!!!! NO ONE WANTS IT TO HAPPEN.

Ashlynn - 13 - Conroe, Texas

Oh my gosh, there are so many reasons. I wasn't really bullied but I saw it happen way too often. ONCE is too often in my view. Anyway, ever since I was in First Grade bullies have made me angry. Not because they were bullying me, it was just because I saw what they did to other kids and it was just not right to treat another human being that way. I decided I was going to do something different and stand up for the victims of these punks.

I also knew that for me to just be mean to them was not what I wanted to do either. A bunch of these bullies were on the baseball team with me. I decided to write a note explaining how much they were hurting these innocent kids with their words and that just because they were popular kids with lots of friends didn't give them the right to hurt others. I taped a letter to every boy on my team's locker. A bunch of them told me they really didn't realize how much hurt they were causing other kids.

What I'm saying here is don't be a bystander.  I beg you to take action and be a hero to a victim of bullying. If you get that feeling you should do something, please do it! Even if you don't feel safe standing up to a bully, saying something to a victim literally might save their life! Be a friend to a kid who desperately needs one.

Andrew - 30 - Ohio/ Southwestern

i feel hopeless 
the sneers
the glares 
keep strong i say
i go to my friends 
they turn away i ask why
they turn back 
only to say 
go away 
i sit down
only to be tourmented
they laugh at me
nothing works 
all  hope is lost

******* - 12 - london

We care because
- No one deserves to be bullied - Abbey
- No one should be treated like that - Sam
- Kids shouldn't be committing suicide - Cody
- It makes people upset - Jema
- People can't deal with it and keep it to themselves - Rose
- People shouldn't be treated like that - Bobby
- There is no right for anyone to be bullied - Zander
- They have feelings too, pick on someone your own size - Krystal
- No one should be a bystander! - Stella
- If you can't say anything nice, son't say anything at all - Nathan
- Treat people the way you want to be treated - Flynn
- Lots of people are affected by bullying and they shouldn't be - Ariel
- I get affected by it and I don't want anyone else to feel that way - Liliana
- People shouldn't be treated like that - Lukas
- Never fight back, its making it worse - Zayden
- Nobody should get bullied - Matt
- When we get bullied we tell them to stop, we dont like it, turn and walk away and talk to a teacher or parent - Ashlee
- People aren't supposed to be treated like that - Olivia
- My friend was bullied and I told the teacher right away - Annabelle

4D - 10 - Shoal Bay NSW, Australia

Everyone matters to someone. Whether it is to your family or friends, YOU MATTER! No one deserves to be bullied. Being different doesn't give someone the right to judge you. Nobody knows why you are different and they have no right to judge. Seeing all the bullying on social media makes me not want to have my future kids be in public schools. I hope we can all pull together and change this part of our society. 

Monica - 22 - TX

" Know you're not alone. You're worth something. Never think you can't hold on any longer. H.O.P.E- hold on, pains ends."

Hannah - 15 - WI

Since I was 8 years old I was constantly bullied in 4th grade because I was chubby and because the way I looked.  This was just the beginning. All throughout my school years I was spit at,  poked at,  yelled at, isolated, starred at, laughed at,  challenged many times, called names,  and I never seemed to have a friend. I would go home and cry at night.  I am now 19, and have a low self esteem,  am a very quiet and shy person with very little friends.  I am not sociable and can't seem to talk to people because I am afraid they won't like me and make fun of me instead. I tried committing suicide many times but never had the guts.  Bullying effected my life greatly,  I dropped out of school because of bullying.  I just wish that everyone will understand that their words do actually hurt and to think twice before saying or doing something to somebody.

Gabby - 19 - Florida

Some might say that bullying is survival of the fittest, that bullying is only words that can cause no physical harm, it is being human, however I beg to differ.  Human?  H-honorable U-understanding M-motivating A-accepting N-nurturing.  This is what human means to me. We no longer live in Medieval, Barbaric times, so why do we act like it?  I am the lead chair for my company's Diversity & Inclusion team and we cover topics like this every month, the reason is not only to educate people but to keep this topic and others like it at the forefront, to keep it fresh in our minds so we may always remember that we are human and what that represents.

Lora - 43 - Bradenton, FL

it happend to me every day and t hurts . it hurts deep inside when they push
you down and throws paper at you i just want to help make a difference

ashley - 13 - virgina , suffolk

Bullying is not nice it is something that needs to be stopped! It is not nice

Justin - 14 - Arizona

Nobody has the right to piont out anyone elses flaws. Just because you have the right of speech does not give you the right to insult someone or hurt someone in any way. It is wrong. 

Megan - 15 - Louisiana

when i was 6 i was always picked on by boys and girls because of how i talked i wouldnt want anyone else to feel the way i did . still to this day im still scared of what people might think of me... and i'm 13 now! so i know what it feels like. this is why i care! 

taylor - 13 - ga

i know what it feels like to be bullied. some of the people just get use to it, they come pre-pared for it until some people speak up.

crystal - 13 - il,justice

I think bullying needs to stop millions of kids are suffering from this terrible thing. Bullies are just kids who want to overpower others they want to make others feel bad about themselves. But don't let them bully you stand up for your rights and your friends. You are a human being and don't deserve to be treated like this. You are strong and everyone belives in you!!

Alyssa - 12 -

I think bullying needs to stop millions of kids are suffering from this terrible thing. Bullies are just kids who want to overpower others they want to make others feel bad about themselves. But don't let them bully you stand up for your rights and your friends. You are a human being and don't deserve to be treated like this. You are strong and everyone belives in you!!

Alyssa - 12 -

I've been bullied, sexual harassment, sexual assaulted, name calling, threatened, and abused by mere words. I handled most of it on my own. But not everyone can stand up for themselves, everyone is different, and sometimes it takes a push from a friend to make it all better... Even if you have completely given up on yourself and the rest of the human race. Find something you love, something to live for! It's your life, and you control your destiny! Make it better, those mean things they say about you, are they true? You have power. You have heart. Smile :)

Kaitlyn - 15 - Mississippi

I was never a victim of bullying, but I've seen it happened. It hurts my heart to know that people get picked on for no reason because of the way they look, how they talk, what they wear, etc. If I ever see anyone get picked on, I always be the right person and tell the other person, No that not cool, or nice, and to even leave the person getting pick on alone. People have feelings and no one likes getting left alone. You really got to put yourself in the victim's shoes. Wouldl you like to get treated like that? How would you feel? But overall I'm just totally against bullying & I'm 100% all for the prevention center thing. It truely does make a difference in some peoples lives.

Tamara - 18 - Georgia

bullying is a mjor problem in our soceity today. I'm sure everyone in life has been bullied at least once. Whether you realize it or not. It made you feel some type of way after it happened. There has been alot of tragic things that have happen because of bullying. People don't understand what others go through in their individual lives and lack an understanding of what it can do. We need to stop and think about what we do sometimes. LETS MAKE A CHANGE!

Jeremy - 18 - PA

I was bullied from sixth grade to ninth grade until I finally started homeschooling. I never understood why it was me kids liked to pick on. I don't like seeing other people treated the same way. I care because I was once in that position. It's horrible to wake up each day and have to go to school and be around people that laugh at you. It's horrible to think that you have something wrong with you just because kids at school hate you. Some people are just so brutal. It's really messed up how some kids get joy over making others cry. 

Dana - 16 - SC

Being bullyied is not "part of life". It is something that no one should experience. I know, because I've been bullied too. Luckily, the boy next to me stood up for me. If you see someone being bullied, stand up for them, please. It changed my life and now I am best friends with the boy that sat next to me. Stand up and be brave!

Kylie - 17 - United States

My son was bullied for years until he had given up all hope, and was thinking of harming himself or others. This is unacceptable, our children should not have to endure this pain! 

Jennifer - 36 - Arkansas

On behalf of Prime Time Palm Beach County, we support kids against bullying!

Katie - 30 - Boynton Beach, Florida

As someone who has been bullied for years in school, I feel that no one deserves to be bullied. However, bullying is already a tradition in my current high school- Grade 11 tends to bully the new underclassmen via extracurricular activities, in which they claimed this bullying method as the preparation for uni life, while actually it makes the grade 10 feel pressured. Me and my friends has started an anti-bullying campaign anonymously and we're now ready to spread the message schoolwide.

Seth - 16 - Indonesia

When i was in prep (first year at school) I was picked on by other kids because i spoke like an adult. First grade, I was tied up to a fence everyday and was punched repeatedly for being small. Second grade, I was just different. Forth grade, it was uncool to hang out with me. sixth grade, everyone found out I had a crush on the coollest kid in school, he was so embarressed because I liked him. Seventh grade, I was called a dwarf because someone caught me while i was bloated and I'm shorter than everyone else. Now eighth grade, I'm still being made fun of for wanting to be a fiction writer like J.K Rowlings. I feel like no one understands me and it hurts to be judged on how i look, believe, think, even my grades. I feel like the only I will be left alone, is if I'm perfect in EVERY way, but it will never happen...

Bethany - 13 - Melbourne, Australia

bullying needs to stop my friend gets bullyed all the time and she wants to leave the school because she gets bullied stand up to the bully!

Tiffani - 13 - sage valley

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