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I Care Because
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because i was bullyed and i want to help put stop to it!

miranda - 15 - Evansville Indiana

i am so glad this website was made it has helped so many people i would like to thank the makers of the website

Ebony - 16 - wa

I care because I have been bullied because of my height and I know of people who have also been bullied. It crushes my heart, this needs to stop. 

Alexsandra - 18 - Illinois

I have never been bullied before. But I have stoped it when ever I could. If I couldn't stop it right then I would always tell a adult. One day after school I was about to leave and walk home but when I was leaveing the building I saw "Big Ben" he was choking a kid much smaller than him. When I saw it I just froze I didn't know what to do, my first instinct was to run so I did. Right when I ran out the door I started to cry the hardest I have ever cried before. I automatically ran inside and couldn't find him so I ran to the office and told the counselor. He told me that he has talked to "Big Ben" about this before and would talk to him again. I went home and thought of all the times that I have seen people being bullied and stoped it but I couldn't this time. To this day I think about it often and I feel terrible about it. 

Tessa - 14 - California

i care because i know how hard it is when someone bullies you. i never thought anyone could help. untill i told my friends. no one should ever be alone in those kind of situations...ever. we're all talented and srtong, but not all of us know that. my friends helped me be strong and stand up against the people who teased me and pushed me. now if someone says stuff just to hurt me, i show them how wrong they were about me and i help anyone i see in these situations. bullies only bully you if you let them. so don't let them. everyone can light the night sky. #GLowInTheDark:)

Eilish - 14 - Spokane Washington

I don't like seeing or hearing about bullying. It's a terrible thing to do because it leads to suicide and self harm. I understand how it feels to be brought down and I don't want anyone else to feel the way I felt. I started to believe what people were saying about me and that's not right. Who I am isn't what anyone else says but me. I want other people to feel confident about themselves and not care about what other people think because we're all different in our own ways and that's what makes us who we are. No one should be bullied, nor should anyone bully another person. It's just not right. 

Diana - 16 - Virginia

Life is so much more than just trying to be cool, or impressing your friends. Life is valuable to each and every person and bullying can push people to the point where they no longer see the value in it they just feel like an outcast to society and just want the pain to end. I care because I have been on both ends and I now relize how much damage I had inflicted up on a person and I will forever regret it and being bullied I know how it felt everyday to be starred and laughed at, but it has made me who I am today. I am much stronger then who I was then and I am willing to help out anybody going through that kind of pain because life is way to valuable to let it to how other people see you, or how you enjoy your life. How you see yourself is the only thing that should matter, each and every person is beautiful in their own way be yourself, and let people come to you don't try to be like anyone else. Its your life you live it the way you want to!

Thomas Taylor - 20 - Missouri, Poplar bluff

I have been bullied metally and physically, and I know it's hard. I know kids now who are being bullied, but other kids, don't speak up; or tell a teacher. I believe that if anyone who has seen someone being bullied tells a teacher, then we will have more peace at school, at home, and in the world. To help spread this message, I started a bully prevention club with all my friends and our goal is to stop as much bullying as we can.



Keri - 14 - EARTH

I care, because I lost a friend to bullying. Nobody deserves it. I want to help make a difference to end bullying!

Cindy - 15 - Texas

No one desverses to be bullied. Every one is the same inside.

Billy - 12 - MO

As an ongoing bullying victim no one should have to suffer like I do.  I have a hearing problem and people hate me for it. But bullying victims out there like me you are not alone and justice will come for you one day.

Luke - 17 - Georgia

Well I think that bullies NEED TO STOP I was a victim for 7 years I got physically bullied by boys for 2-1/2 years and I've had to deal with all types of bullying and I know how much it hurts I can't say that I've never self harmed or had suicidal thoughts because then I would be lying... I'm now in year 10 and I'm organising a fundraiser to raise money for charities against bullying and I'm also doing everything I can to help people that are suffering how I did by putting out my story in a video and showing my whole school and now I'm a bullying ambassador and I'm like a kinda councillor helping others with their problems. If I never had the help I did from my teacher at the school I'm in now and from my friends here I don't think I'll be sharing this with you or actually be here right now and I'm so thankful for them people who helped me...I look up so much to Demi Lovato and I'm trying my best to be as positive as her and help others in the way she does she is amazing and I hope one day I can say that to her face to face.

Sophie - 14 - Poole uk

I care because i see a lot of people at my school get bullied, not only them but also myself and it hurts. I know people whose been hospitalized because of bullying and i know people who self-harm. When i see it happen to someone else... i talk to them afterwards to see if they're okay but when it happens to me, i just take it and it hurts so much. There's no one that cares about me when it happens, so i care about others because i know what it is like to have nobody there for you and i just want it too stop. I want it to stop so much. 

Ashleigh. - 13 - Australia

no child should be bullied they should be able to be themself and express who they are without being bullied. bullying really needs to stop because no child should be hurt in any way and they shouldnt have to worry about being hurt. im aganist bullying beause i dont think its right and everyone should be treated fairly! help stop bullying!

alexis - 13 - new york

Dear young people.
When i was in middle school, I was bullied horribly. Every day at school was torture. I never knew what i had done to deserve it, and the kid who lead the bullying had been my good friend. It seemed that everyone hated me, and told me so every day.
One day, after a social studies lesson about clicques, i realized that i wasn't the only person going through this. 
I stopped caring what my former friends did or thought.
Suddenly one day, i went to school and they knew I didn't care about the bullying anymore.
And just like that, the bullying stopped.
I became friends with the "un-cool" kids who were terrific, kind  people. They saved me.
And guess what? I'm old now, and I've had a really fun, happy, wonderful life, with great friends, great travel, good work, and people who love me as i love them. 
Please, please, remember- there is a wonderful world and a good life waiting for you. Bullying is not forever. You are valuable, and you can endure. Think beyond the place you are now! Think of the good you can give this world!
Never ever give up! 

eileen - 56 - new jersy

I went through bullying for years and had a very tough time. I don't want others to go through what I, and other victims like me, went through. I never want that same suffering to happen to others, regardless if i know them or not. Nobody deserves to be bullied.

Edward - 16 - TX

My girlfriend goes through too much pain from people dragging her down and destroying her self esteem . Its something that she or anyone else should ever haveto endure . Ive seen what bullying can do to a person . And it hurts . It hurts so bad .

Anthony - 18 - Riverside,CA

i was bullied as a kid becuase of my adhd and depression and anxiety and i dont like seeing pople go through the same things as i did and i wanna help try and stop bullying as much as i can 

Darlene - 15 - Cambridge, Ontario

I care because my friends and people that is get bullied. i was bullying at my old school because i was different. i was so upsad.  i like   Demi Lovato becuse she help and she was then. Bullying is not cool and funny.  PLEASE STOP BULLYING TODAY, AND SAVE A LIFE.

Breanna - 13 - aus

if your getting bullied tell someone i got bullied cause of braces i got called metal mouth and shook it off cause i knew i would have straight teeth soon and my mom told me that no matter what other people think what u think matters most!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

laya - 13 - wv

I care because I am a human being who believes that other human beings, no matter the age, race, height, weight, gender, sexual orientation, economic level, or religious affiliation, should be disrespected, but instead should be appreciated for the uniqueness they bring to this world. Most people are bullied because, for some reason, their taunters think they "stand out" and are not part of the norm or status quo. Well what a sad little world we would live in if we WERE all the same! It would be uninspiring and mundane. Cruelty on any level is absolutely inappropriate in ANY situation, but to exact such on a daily basis to another to push them to the point of contemplating suicide is a social disease for which we have the responsibility of finding a cure. How dare someone mentally or physically bully another whom they consider different, or who has possibly caused an unintended offense against them. It is very easy for a person who has yet to find a strong sense of individuality 
(which include most children and teens) find their spirits crushed when they aren't treated with due respect and kindness. Whether you have never been a victim or perpetrator of bullying, we as humans must band together to bring healing and resolution to all parties in this catastrophic situation.  

Michelle - 45 - California

I have been bullied since the first grade. I have had websites made about me. I have been beaten up for no reason at all. I just switched schools about a month ago because I just couldn't hadle anymore.I go to councilors and teachers and they all just say the same thing "It is going to get better" but if you dont do anything to make it get better it won't. I want to put an end to bullying so that kids/teens can stop living in fear. Stop being scared to go to school, scared to go to the park, scared to even just leave their own house.

Aislinn - 15 - Massachusetts

I've been through very horrible situations that changed me. I was jumped by 4th graders when I was just 8. I was alone, never to be friended by anyone besides teachers and my parents. Bullying got to me so much to the point of breaking, and I nearly choked a kid 2 years older than me to death because I lost my temper. I don't have that problem anymore, but I'm afraid it will happen to my brother. He's only 7, but they pick on my brother sometimes, and he gets himself into trouble by fighting the kids. I really want this to stop, everybody I know is being bullied just because of who they are, and I hate it. Bullying is dangerous. It caused a few people to commit suicide because of this problem.

Anonymous - 14 - Orange County

I was bullied too. I was bullied because i was different from the other kds. Midle school is when it started but it has gotten better! Being bullied has made me wan to put and end to it. When i grow up i am going to be a thereipest for children being bullied. Never give up. You are worth so much. 

Kelsey - 12 - Jeffersonville Indiana

I care because bullying is a real life problem that I deal with on a day to day basis. Bullying is not fun or cool. Be the cure not the cause. Life goes on but, don't make peoples lives harder

Harley - 13 - Wisconsin

I have been bullied ever since I started Kindergarten and all the way up to my senior year. I care because I know what it can do to a person, I know the struggles and the pain. It hurts, It hurts alot and to know that it's happening everywhere scrares me. I used to cut and I wanted to kill myself because people wee always telling me how stupid, ugly, and fat I was. I went a whole shool year only eating one meal a day to try and lose weight. I tried sitting with different people to try and make new friends. Nobody would accept me. I sat by myself a lot and when I started my new school in Junior year it got worse. I hada mental breakdown every week and I cried myself to sleep hoping the next day would be better. I dpmt want anybody going through what I went through and I want to end bullying for good. I want to break the cycle! I love you all and I want to just tell you to STAY STRONG!! <3

Ashleigh - 18 - Minnesota, U.S.

I've been bullied since I started preschool. And it was all because I didn't have the coolest bows in my hair. I'm in 7th grade now, and I get bullied worse than ever. All but two of my friends have left me. Ever since I told them about my depression and self harming issues, they have been calling me names and made me feel like I'm not worth anything. I care because no matter what, there will be people who don't like you. But I care about you, more than you think.

Emaleigh - 13 - Ohio

i care because i have been bullied to the point where i didn't think highly of myself and i didnt like how i looked

icecys - 18 - detroit

I go through bullying I have for 10 years now, they always find reasons to bully me. I guess what I'm saying is I care because I felt the aggression of bullying and I don't want anyone else feeling about them selves  the way I feel about myself :)

Kristen - 15 - Maryland

I know how it feels to be bullied, and be the bully. I wanna change the way people feel and I want to help those who have no where else to turn. I want to be the person I wish I would've had when I was down.

Kendall - 16 - Tennessee

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