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I Care Because
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Bullying is not right to people because some people have things going on in life.

TKira - 13 - Rayville , Louisiana

It's so terrible knowing that people have to deal with this. I was bullied and I got help but not everyone can be so lucky. I hope this yearly UNITY day brings to light how hard it is for people...

Taylor - 16 - CA

I was bulled once in 3rd grade . In lunch or recess because she would make fun of me, or just tease me, and call me names so just went and just ignored her. She kept teasing me so now I never stopped thinking if she'll come to my school and tease me. One time she told my friends to stop talking to me. So now i'm crying in the inside and out. That's my story on how I got bulled.

Elisa Cabrera - 11 - Pasadena TX

I care because I was bullied everywhere I went with either funny looks and or verbal words.just remember you're beautiful and don't let anybody tell you different. When your bully don't let them push you down or break your confidince because they break your confidence it is hard  getting it back for a while so just remember that you are beautiful and you'll be fine and don't let them tell you that nobody out there cares because there are millions of people out there who care including me I care about what people say and who they are based onwhat other people think like how they look or how they talk because I know that there are people out there who would rather have you be happy and being a friends instead of you crying in a corner and not having any friends vs being happy and having millions of friends.

juliet - 12 - Washington

I care because I was bullied everywhere I went with either funny looks and or verbal words.just remember you're beautiful and don't let anybody tell you different. When your bully don't let them push you down or break your confidince because they break your confidence it is hard  getting it back for a while so just remember that you are beautiful and you'll be fine and don't let them tell you that nobody out there cares because there are millions of people out there who care including me I care about what people say and who they are based onwhat other people think like how they look or how they talk because I know that there are people out there who would rather have you be happy and being a friends instead of you crying in a corner and not having any friends vs being happy and having millions of friends.

juliet - 12 - Washington

I get bullied every day usually verbally I want to help stop bullying
in every way I can.

Jameson - 10 - Stillwater, Oklahoma

on the commercial with the little boy on the school bus i wanna know why the bus driver did nothing to help this child you can see her looking at him and every one being mean to him including the bus driver why didnt she help this boy shame on her and that commercial is sad because there is an adult who did nothing.

lynnie - 38 - california

I was bullied grade 4- grade 8 and in the first three semesters in college. I wasn't only bullied by the kids who I tried to fit in with but I was also bullied by teachers who called me dumb and useless. I had to face the stupidest people who used a parents' death to bully me. I care because I have nieces and I do not want them to go through what I went . I want them to show these happiness deprived people how they are stronger than them . Bullying does not only take in America it also takes place in countries like Pakistan , India . In other words , all over the world . I hope the best for everyone all around the world and hope that someday bullying does get abolished. 

anonymous - 24 - Pakistan

I was bullied grade 4- grade 8 and in the first three semesters in college. I wasn't only bullied by the kids who I tried to fit in with but I was also bullied by teachers who called me dumb and useless. I had to face the stupidest people who used a parents' death to bully me. I care because I have nieces and I do not want them to go through what I went . I want them to show these happiness deprived people how they are stronger than them . Bullying does not only take in America it also takes place in countries like Pakistan , India . In other words , all over the world . I hope the best for everyone all around the world and hope that someday bullying does get abolished. 

anonymous - 24 - Pakistan

Bullying is a REALLY serious issue! When I was younger, I was bullied for many reasons. I can't even remember them now. Even now, years later, I have trouble with self-esteem issues. I don't want other people to feel like I do! Just because someone might do something a little differently doesn't make them weird. It makes them unique. Anti-bullying month is a perfect time to celebrate what makes everyone special; that's what I'm trying this year. :D

Bullying hurts a lot of people. That's why I care. 

Sammy - 16 -

People always think that bullying only occurs with younger kids in Elementary School. That's so wrong and I'm proof of that. Even at 16, a JUNIOR in high school, I experience bullying nearly every day.
I won't ever understand why people want others to feel bad about themselves. Maybe it's because they themselves aren't very confident or maybe because they used to be bullied. Whatever the reason, I don't want others to feel the way I do when I'm at school.
Every single person out there who has been bullied has my support! You're amazing, don't let others make you feel bad about yourself!

Amy - 16 - United States

Simply enough, ive been to six schools. Every single school, ive been bullied...but someone told me a quote one day. Don't give up now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can't rain forever.

Nevaeh - 15 - Missouri

I've seen bulling happen and how people were being treated made me feel bad!
I have proof we can stop bulling because I have.In 3rd grade it hurt to find out one 
of my friends was being bullied,I had to do something! When I did that persons life changed,it never happened again! So we can stop bulling.DON'T be a bystander who doesn't do anything,be a bystander who changes someone's life!

Ashley - 9 - Texas,Arlington

I was bullied for just being me wich is so unfair i want it to stop for every one 

anyssa - 15 -

i was bullied for a long time and it is not fun it hurts a lot being called names and its not right and i think that it is childish and not necessary it should just stop there is no point in it! 

christina - 14 - florida

Bullying is terrible. I am against bullying.

Gregory - 16 - Pennsylvania

I want to stop bullying because I got bullied before

Anonymous - 10 - Rockwall TX

I want to stop bullying because I got bullied before

Anonymous - 10 - Rockwall TX

Bullying not only hurts the victim, but also the perpetrator.  It is a sign that the perpetrator has already been experiencing a lot of pain himself/herself. The sad part is that neither of them have received either the proper care, nurturing, or education to prevent this horrible act. It reflects so poorly on all of us as a society, and in the end, we ALL pay.

Lisa - 65 - Florida

Bullying is wrong
The world would be great without bullying. 

Anonymous - 5 - NY

i was bullied,almost all throughout my life. I don't people to have to deal with what i dealt with.So i want to make a change by starting with my school and try to help kids that also have a trouble too.

leah - 14 - florida

i was bullied,almost all throughout my life. I don't people to have to deal with what i dealt with.So i want to make a change by starting with my school and try to help kids that also have a trouble too.

leah - 14 - florida

I care because I have been bullied like so many and no one deserves to be treated the way they are. I have been bullied all my life for simply being me and that is not what I want to continue to happen. Speak out because everyone has a voice, you just need to find yours and speak out loud about what you think about what people are doing to you. I know you can do it! 

Taylor - 13 - Lewiston, New York

I know that there ARE people out there who care! So if you are being bullied and the first adult you tell doesn't help PLEASE don't give up! Tell anyone! Tell everyone! Someone will help you! You deserve to be happy and no one should have the right to make you feel bad! You are loved and special! 

Megan - 32 - Ohio

I don't want another young person to feel alone or ashamed of who they are because of bullying. I spent two years defending myself and being angry because of those who didn't like the way I dressed, how I spoke and the music I listened to. I want kids to know that the things they're teased about now, will probably make them successful adults. I care because I've been there.

Rasheda - 35 - Michigan

It breaks my heart to see individuals hurting. Nobody deserves to be driven into sadness or anger. I've experienced bullying first hand throughout elementary school, middle school, and high school. It drove me to the point where I left public school to become home-schooled. I never understood why I was so bullied, why these girls were so mean to me. However, what I know now is that I want to help others. I want to help people understand that they are beautiful; that they are valuable and loved; that they deserve all the happiness and beauty in the world. I want them to know that they have power in their minds, thoughts, bodies, and words. I want them to know that they're not alone. This goes for the bullied AND the bullies out there.

Lyzza - 22 - San Francisco, CA

bullying is never okay. 

Shay - 14 - Philadelphia

Im 13yrs old and i have been bullied since 3rd grade and i wish they knew how hurtful they are. They make fun of how.i look like my eyebrows or teeth etc......... im now in 7th grade and its still going on but i ignore them which gets them mad and i dont care 
 All i ever wished.for was them to treat me like i treat them 
 Im this person who is shy and too nice which means that they can use me for stuff and its not ok.
I have changed a little but it doesnt make me a better person so i went back to the way i was and made some friends and got the other girls and giys jealous bcause i was different than all the others but its not gonna my way cause i want the bullying and cyberbullying to end now

tamia - 13 - new york

I have been the victim of a bullying situation. I have been bullied most of my life and I know that it hurts. My best friend and I were bullied for a long time by one girl at my old school. I was bullied by a girl at another one my of schools. I know that being bullied hurts and it tears you apart. It isn't easy being laughed at when you walk down the hallway at school. It damages you and its something you can never forget happened. It hurts you so much and you just feel left out. I know that being bullied is never easy. I would like to support other bullying victims.

Isabella - 13 - Colorado

I know what is was like to be bullied i couldn't stand the put-downs and the hatred, but i was to scared to talk to anyone because i thought that they would tell the bully and it would just get worse. then the girl next door became the bully too because the original bully was friends with her. I got so scared that i started making up things that i 
"had to do" so i wouldn't hangout with her. then my mom found out that i was making up some stuff and lying so i got in trouble, and on top of that my mom asked me is anything was wrong and i felt so bad that i just spilled right then and there. once my mom found out who the bully was she went over to the girl next door and started talking with her mom. the bullying didn't stop until 6th grade where the bully moved away out of state. now in stead of having no friends and knowing no one almost every body knows me and is my friend. 

Lillie - 11 - michigan

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