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I've been bullied because i'm a so called "emo/scene" kid. It really does suck when people just attack you for your style. This has been going on for years. I was threatened once because of this.

upset - 15 - NY

I have been bullied my whole life becouse i'm a little "bigger" than others. And i always think to myself what if i was skinnier? Would people like me better??? Bullying NEEDS to stop

Abby - 12 - Mn

I have been bullied since kindergarden and im now in 9th grade ! Istill get bullied. I have been through everything! Hitting, yelled in my face, pushed in locker, and more! Bullies need to stop and think about wht they are doing. And now im off to school where i will get bullied again

Ashley - 15 - MD

I also get bullied because i'm smallest in my class and i might be a bit weird but who cares. people should like me for who i am!!!!! Like i said i have been bullied since kindergarden! Im in 9th grade and it hasent stopped yet!!!!!

Ashley - 15 - MD

I care about ending the World Issue "Bullying" because, I have seen it happen multiple times, and it can be very emotional to watch and not be able to do anything about it... I would like to be able to help others cope with Bullying! <3!

Jillana - 12 - NJ

i was bullied in primary school straight through to the end of high shool and still now sometimes and whether it is physical blying or name calling it still hurts luckily some of the time my friends would stick up for me but i also learned to stick up for my self and it kinda stopped but i wish i had learnt how to stick up to them sooner... life would have been so much easier ..... bullying is wrong and i don't care if the bully has family problems or problems withf friends or whatever the reasons are they shouldn't make others feel bad to make themselves feel better 

A.J Byrne - 16 - UK

i've been bullied since kindergarten and after 8 years of pain i found people who i can trust

aleen - 12 - sa

I've being bullied for being skinny. Everybody at my school spread fake rumours around the WHOLE school and make it seem as if it was true, it was 100% not true at all. Even new kids at school started hating on me, i felt so neglected. I even tried commiting suicide one day. I felt worthless and hopeless. I don't understand why do anybody would want somebody else feel bad about themselves. It's just so cruel! The bullying i went through was horrifying, everysingle day after school I cry! Even my friends doesn't help me, they support the bullying... :(

Depressed :( - 15 - SY

I've been bullied for over three years now and its really put down my self-confidence down and hurt me inside.I've been called names slapped and the police had to get involved it got that bad ! My best friend gets bullied as well so i try to stick up for her and help because i HATE to see other people getting bullied. It can hurt people really bad, inside and out, and its totally out of order ! People mostly do it because they take the mick out of other people to make themselves feel much better. All ages can be bullied and its unfair.
I hope we can put a STOP to it soon.
thanks x

kayleigh - 13 - UK

I was bullied when i was younger, really badly and it came to the point where i wanted to kill myself. Adults say you should tell them but it only makes things worse, yea they can try fix it but that doesnt stop them.
and adults also say to ignore them aswell, but whats that gonna do eh?
nothing thats what.
because of the bullies i have NO self confidance, feeel self concious and still get a teased sometimes but now im in highschool i realised who my real mates are and they stick up for me all the time, so id like to say a great big thankiesss to them :)

Megan - 12 - Uk

I've been bullied myself because I.... I guess it's because I'm smart. And that I actually LOVE to read and I have a good singing voice. I used to react, but it just spurred the bullies on. They were getting what they wanted out of me. Now, whenever they tease me out of what's probably jealousy, I either laugh it off or ignore them. I try not to say too much. I stand up for myself though- I just don't go looking for conflict. People don't pick on me as much anymore because they know it doesn't bother me. I wrote a song, and I live by one of the lyrics "What fits my personality is not what others think of me because no one knows me like I know myself." It's so terrible that people can drive other people to suicide- it's not something to laugh at. Bullying hurts, and I help everyone I can because no one deserves it, no matter how "irritating" you find them. We can change the world, and I intend to change it for the better.

Laken - 13 - PA

i was bullied for 2 years, but then i stood up to the person. and man to i feel good!!

Dala - 11 - ME

I know this girl that gets bullied because she is small,ugly,and smart. Its not fair to her.Everyone is beautiful in their own eyes. She should be getting praised because shes smart. Why are they teasing her because of her weight?! She is eleven years old and she is 81 puonds. Its just that all the other kids are like 100+ pounds! And to me that spretty big so they sholdnt be talking about her! The truth is that girl is me....and i know if any of my friends see this they will make fun of me because I posted this.... :( WE NEED TO STOP BULLYING!

Anonymous - 11 - TN

i just got told by 3 people that they hate me and i should just go die and no one would care....but i just laugh at them they try to "Bully" me but i dont even let them get to me they are just 3 people who has no lives because i know my friends love and my family but im a way to happy of a perosn to let them slow me down  and you sould not them slow you down go to a teacher even your parents and tell them cause those type of people has no lives what so ever they just try to bring you done dont listen to them everyone in this world is worth something and is VERY important and your not alone :) its time that this stupid childish bulling end in ALL schools and it starts with US students! so lets do it!

Keonna - 14 - MI

I wasn't bullied but my friend were.. It hurt so bad that she didn't went to school for 1 week... I was really hurt too when it happened to her.. I just want to say that bullies are just so bad that there are so many kids that just wanna stay at home! Nobody has to be home schooled! Everyone has the rights to be who they are! I love this website! I just really want bullying to end! 

Dianne - 12 - Ph

My little brother is really little, and he does have a disability. Many many people don't have the heart to realize that he didnt choose to be disabled. I look up for my little brother 100% and nobody deserves to be mistreated or looked down to. He's amazing, and I love him dearly, and he will change the world one day. stand up for everyone who you knows been bullied,
because it really hurts.

Amanda - 15 - az

My brother is disabled. He gets bullied most of the time, he gets called a girl because of how he runs, and other words i shouldnt say. he came home crying once. i ask him what was wrong, he explained and the next day i went to those people and said, "hey thats not cool! if you were in my brothers condition you wouldnt like that!!!" eversince that, they didnt get in his face.

Hailey - 13 - AZ

I feel alone alot of the time because i havnt got as much friends as when i did was in my other school and i think its because my friends have got new friends now. there are these kids at school that stick things on my back and i am teased because i am quite shy. they embarress me and i go red, when i go red they tease me about that too. im not hurt physically but i am hurt emoticonily, i dont want to go to school either really now because i am scared something else will make me feel worse. 

Lucy - 12 - ny

I was bullied once before too, and I know how it felt. It really hurts my  feelings., emotionally. Those bullies said bad things about me. They made rumours about me. :( I'm really SAD cause I thought they were really my real friends but they turn out to be fake, fake "friends" I really prefer to have no friends to having fake ones. 
don't suffer in silence, speak UP for Yourselves. 

Gladwin - 13 - SG

"I see it going on all around me and I hate it! What I hate the most is that I can't be my self. I get made fun of  for haveing trouble in school and how I dress. I like to stay home as much as I can  but I don't whant my parents to know what is going on. I also see my little sis getting made fun of all the time and I don't know what to do. And It really bugs me how I just go along with it when ppl are talking about my own family. I try to do something about it and it just gets worse and I get picked on even more. I just wish ppl could see how much the things they do and say hurt. I just want it to stop."

Rebecca - 14 - PA

I have been bullied my entire life. I have thought about ending my life so many times. The bullying needs to stop. When people are dying because of it, its a sign that its gone on for too long and needs to stop. Teachers need to do more to put an end to this and so do parents. Bullying should be a crime. It inflicts pain, it should be a crime.

Emily - 17 - MI

I was a friend of a bully, but i didn't know they were bullying until i caught them pushing and hurting someone, the other friends said they didn't care but i did, so I said hey thats not cool and the whole school joined in!

Caitlin - 13 - BE

this girl that i know was always gets bullyed by her classe at the 1th and 2th and 3th and 4th grade every day and every week and every month and i know that bullying  really hurts inside cause this girl was me when i was little but now i don't get bullyed by anyone cause now i am stronger and i won't let anyone hurt me anymore and i hope for everyone gets bullyed by hes class do like me and he has to be strong to beat bullying

sabrine - 13 - ca

"Theres this disabled kid at my school, that gets bullied almost every day. He would get called names like- retarted, slow, or ugly. I was sad because the boy being bullied wouldn't do anything abut it, nor did anyone else. So i had to step up and lend a hand."

Savannah - 13 - Ca

this girl that i know always get bullyed by her class and other 6th grade classes (shes in 6th grade) because shes different and every year shes tease and when she gets in middle school i think its going to get worse and my other friend said that there's a girl she knows too that gets bulled and she heard on the news that this girl killed herself because of bulling and i don't want that to happen to those two girls i just want it to stop i told the principal but they still do it i just hate seing her like this the people that are bulling other kids don't realize how hurtful and mean there being so this really gotta stop

chante - 11 - il

..One of my class get bullied from 3 other guys.. No one helps her. Then I got zo this page, and it opened my eyes. I've got on the side off the bullied one and now they aren't anymore mean because I wouldn't be friends anymore with them... She's so thankful for what I did. And I love this feeling that I helped her! Thanks for this Website... Hope everyone know how terrible that is!-- 

ps. I'm from Switzerland. x

Gabriela <3 - 16 - be

I'm almost 11 years old and i have been getting bullied since preschool. I try to stand up for ymself but im too shy. I always get harassed by boys and they make fun of mu looks my name and they call me A-Man-da . It really hurts me and i don't want other kids to go through what i go through. I cry myself to sleep. i fake sick too get outa school, and when im not even in school i hear they talk about me. I just hope other kids won't have too go through what i do. 

Amanda - 10 - MA

"i've been bullied by some neighbors when i was in grade 2 because of my nickname, and my parent still don't know i've been bullied."

cen - 11 - ph

My little sister is being tormented by boys and girls the same as her and older(!). We're doing everything we can to make it stop, but they keep bullying her. It's been happening for years. Now she's scared to go to school and to youth clubs. I'm scared incase she wants to commit suicide. I don't want to lose her. She hardly had any friends, and she comes home crying every night. I need to know how to help her. I'm scared for her.

Abi - 15 - UK

i have seen all or most of my friends bullied and i told the people who are being the bully to stop and since then theyhad stopped but bullying happens alot at our school and to tell you the truth no teachers try to stop it...sad right..??

jocelyn - 12 - ia

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