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I Care Because
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it sucks to be bullied and get made fun of. Everyone is unique in their own very special way. Its just unfair for those who are different to be bullied and labeled. They are who they are and its not nice to label people. I don't really get bullied but i hate it when people bully others and sometimes i wish that i could do something to make a difference.

Fie - 18 - SP

I care for all the kids who suffer in the hands of bullies. I am from Australia and recently I found out that many kids suicide because of these bullying happen at schools and other places including internet on social network sites. It is so hard to imagine what these kids gone through and even harder to think of the parents who lost them in such a way. I just wish that parents are more aware of these things and specially the schools act more responsible than this because most of these bulling start at schools. Wish we all could do more to stop these bulling. Perhaps harsher punishments for the bullies, regardless of their age could help to stop this.    

Chaminda - 39 - Australia

I was bullied with words and I can say it hurts so bad,I think words hurts more than physical violence. Bullism is wrong,bullism is not funny,bullism is something that you will never forget in your life. Bullism hurts so bad. People pick you just because you're different,they start saying you're ugly,you're gay (for guys),you're retarded and other bad things. It's absolutely wrong and stupid.I wish it could stop forever.

Laura - 12 - IT

I have been bullied my entire life. It started out small with words like weird and retarted and not exactly threatening but as I got older it got worse I was getting pushed around and called worse names that I wont mention. But with the help of my two best friends I was able to get through it and now it doesnt bother me at all. I would just like to tell everyone , stay positive and help out if you see someone being bullied.

Robert - 13 - ?

i think that the kids that is bullying someone just needs a person to talk to becouse you dont know if he or she might be haveing problems at home.

riley - 12 - fl

I know someone who took their life because of cyber-bullying. Someone anonymous kept telling him to kill himself, that no one would care; it got so intense that later that day, he went my the train tracks.. and let the train take his life. In that same week, another kid younger then him felt like no one cared about him and felt like his life was going nowhere, so he took his life. No one should feel alone. I wish I would have known both of them so I can show them that someone cares, I care. No one deserves to be bullied. NO ONE.

Katarina - 15 - Indiana

STOP bullying this is a very serious topic

Maddie - 10 - MD

I agree with demi bcuz i am in a wheel chair and the kids still make fun of me just because i am in the chair n i am sick of it the kids need to grow up 

Monique - 16 - tx

each of us has the right towards safety and respect. No one shall be stepping on other people. We all should care!

Josielyn - 19 - SE

bullying is mean and I don't like it.

Ethan - 7 - Washington State

i am a person who sticks up for the person being bullied and i have even been bullied 2 once. but if we all stoped and thinked we would all know that we are all the same but with diffrent personalitys and looks !

Areitha - 12 - ?

I know that im only 10 years old but i think that bulting is really bad and  no matter what age we all can stop bulying!!! so lets do this....

Gabriela Valentin - 10 - fl

People should be treated equally. No matter what they look like or how they act or dress.

Cia - 11 - NV

I'm tired of hearing people talk rudely about and towards others who don't deserve it. <3 I get made fun of sometimes and I know what it feels like. 

Emily - 12 - UK

I don't want to see kids have to go through what I did just to get through school I Cut myself to keep them away it worked but at what cost im here for everyone els because thats who i care about.

Vito - 17 - Nv

I was bullied for many years, growing up.  Growing up, I was considered to be an ugly duckling.  Well, before blossoming, I was bullied and made fun of to the point where I ran home everyday after school, hysterically crying.  It has had such a profound effect on my life.  I now have a child who has special needs, and will live the rest of his life facing unfair challenges.  On top of the challenges that he already faces, one of my biggest fears is that he will be bullied just as I was...

Melissa - 35 - AZ

lets do this for everyone and lets change the world <3

karis - 15 - uk

One of my best friends was scared out of his school because he was threatened. A football player looked at him and threatened to kill him because he was gay. It scard my friend so much that he wouldn't give up his name. He just transfered schools. He used to be so proud of who he is. He's not proud anymore. And he should be. 
I've always been against bullying, and tried to fight against it, but this situation with my friend has really opened up my eyes to how BIG of a problem is it. He is why I'm standing up. Because no one, whether straight, gay, overweight, underweight, mentally handicapped, black, white, no matter who they are, NO ONE deserves to be bullied. That's why I care. And that's why I'm fighting for them.~

Tori - 17 - FL

bullying used to be percieved as a physical thing. while it sometimes still is, what prevails today is verbal bullying."sticks and stones can break my bones but words can break my heart" i found that quote here at this site. it's true. i have been called "fat" and it sticks, just like any other horrible name that has ever been thrown to kids. WORDS HURT. and the pain stays and even grows, and i took it in silence. but i shouldn't have had to. no should have to. i support this cause because it's giving back to us the faith in ourselves that we've lost. it's what gives us the power to beat bullying and stop it from happening to others. it's empowering. and it gives me hope. imagine a world without bullies...

inessa - 16 - MD

I go to Russellville High School and we have created the Peace Club. This is group of young students, including me, wanting to make a change in our high school. Our club is to show tolerance with other people. One topic we have in our club is bullying. I really care about this topic because so many people are bullied physically and verbally. NO ONE deserves this. We are all equal and should treat each other how we want to be treated. And I know everyone has felt bullied at one time or another.  The only thing is I don't exactly know how to get the word out about bullying past our club. I was just wondering how we could make a big impact outside of the group that already cares. I want everyone to care because IT IS a big deal.  We could save many kids lives.

Rachel Jackson - 18 - AR

Being bullied in jr. high school affected my life forever. I learned to have compassion for people who are different. I was laughed at and teased for being the tallest girl in a school of 3000 plus. I still remember the hurt. There should be classes to teach compassion, inclusion and understanding of others differences. It's just as important as reading, writing and arithimatic.

Susan - 65 - CA

i wasn't bullied to much. but i went to a new school in high school. and i saw alot of bullying to kids who are different. the victims feel alone, and i know what thats like. its depressing. i felt ugly and like no one cared about me. if you see a kid whos alone, who seems "friendless" talk to them, you'd want someone to talk to you. 

marina - 15 - MI

WOW, I wish I found this when I was 11  which was when I started getting low self esteem.  All of middle school people called me ugly, big nose, white girl, too skinny, anerxioc, flat chested, and I'm latina....I thought I had to be thick and dark to be beautiful. I didn't fit in, and boys were so mean to me. I got regected a lot and I had 0 true friends. I got back stabbed. I just wanted to die, I didn't fit in with my own family since I had 'foregin' looks. Watching the Tyra show &ANTM I saw girls who were like me. I was in my school's fashion show and did the runway walk. SO MANY people cheered for me and told me to become a model! I've never felt that great, since then my self esteem has boosted up. I've had my family, guys, friends, strangers hurt me with words. Now i see those things in a positive way, I love me. So you're not alone. Being different pays off, it makes you a caring person and it feels great to help someone out (:

Eunice - 15 - CA

So growing up in a small town, I was one of the only people who was bigger, I was not very smart, I was not very popular, and people treated me like I was just a nobody. My whole life I have had those people call me fat, stupid, worthless, I have had them tell me to kill myself, say I would not be missed if I was gone, call me ugly. Honestly there is not a single more harmful thing in this world then bullying. People need to see how much it can hurt someone, and not only that one person but many other people around them, due to those people I grew up with, I will now forever have a part of me feel that what they said was true, and that will forever affect me, and my friends, and my family. it will one day affect my future husband and children, and those people who called me names never willl know who they have affected beyond the person they once knew. well now I am a strong person, I love my family and friends, I have alot of friends, many people find my outgoing personality wonderful and I love making people smile. I have got myself a great career, and I am making a great life for myself. So I proved those people wrong. bullying needs to stop!

Kelsi - 18 - AB

I have had a friend that was bullied everyday at school from maybe 1st grade to 4-5th. She would get stones thrown after her, she would be threatened by knife,or beaten up or called names.
Me and some other friends of mine went to some teachers to talk about it,but they would just ignore it. Or if someone did care, they would just say "stay away from that person that do this. Just ignore it then he would stop," etc..  We got our parents involved and they did so much to help us with this problem. They would go to the principal and ask if he could arrange so this person who bullied her could go to another school. But he couldn't do it. The principal said after alot of discussions "Just wait to you start in 8th grade,then everything will be alright."  But to wait 3-4 years to stop the bullying,it's just ridiculous. Bullying should never be ignored! 
Now when I think of it,I get so mad over that nobody could make her feel good about herself,she would just be ignored by the teachers. 
Now she's doing fine,but bullying really have had an effect on her. Who could blame her? 
Thanks to Demi Lovato for doing something about this. I'm from norway,so sry for bad english. :p

Linda - 15 - Nw

I care beacuse my little 12 year old cousin tried to commit suiside beacuse she was bullied by a group of boys at her school. I love her dearly and I want Bullying to stop. NOW!!!! For everyone's ake, Please help stop bullying. You CAN and WILL amke a difference.

Briyanna stickland - 15 - DE

I care because I have a 15 year old son that has Aspergers, a form of autism. Aspergers does not define who he is, it is just a part of him. He is a wonderful friend to anyone who takes the time to get to know him. Just this week I had to pick him up from school after he had been bullied and pushed by a fellow student. He was in tears. This boy has been calling him names for a couple of weeks now. Hopefully after intervention from the school, this will stop. I only hope that this website and the message reaches as many teens as possible. There is no excuse for abuse and words hurt just as much as fists. I cant wait to show him this website when he gets home from school. Thank you for spreading the message! A grateful and PROUD mom of a really great kid with Aspergers.

Kelly Helsper - 42 - GA

everyone deserves to be treated equal. I care beacause everyone deserves to feel amazing in their own skin. I care beacause its time to make a change. 

Kayla - 18 - WI

I was bullied nonstop in grade school. Being bullied has affected me so much. I want to speak out against bullying because it can cause a lot of harm to your self-image and it will ruin your self-confidence. Every single person has a right to live their life and be who they are. I am so glad Demi speaks out against bullying. She is one of the biggest role models in my life. Love you Demi!

Dana - 15 - NJ

i'm always made fun of because most of my friends are girls. i try not to let it get to me but it always takes a tole on my self-esteem. but then my friends help me through it and they always make me feel better

linwood - 12 - md

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