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Teens Respond to “I Care Because” Statement: Cyberbullying | PACERTalks About Bullying: Season 2, Episode 18

The “I Care Because” section features statements from individuals around the world, sharing why they care about bullying prevention. In this episode teens read and respond to a statements about cyberbullying, sharing their insight and advice.

I am a gay man and I came out at 17 in 1981 and I was a victim of bulling because of that. But it started much younger because I was different. When I spoke up it just got worse. It affected my schoolwork and I barley graduated. I loved schoolwork btu I hated school. I had a gay friend end himself at 14 because of it. Things like this need to stop.   

Richard - 60 - id

No one deserves to be bullied.
Please think before you do something because your actions could hurt someone.
Please think about how you would feel when you were bullied.
Together we can create a world without bullying.

Aseel - 15 - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

I was bullied growing up due to my social status and not having the name brand clothes or newest phones. The bullying I went through in high-school replays in my brain everyday, it’s left me with so many issues and insecurities that I’ll always live with for the rest of my life. Bullying does more harm than good.

Vanessa - 25 -

My daughter has dealt with mean girl issues for 2 years…she’s only 9! This year she received 2 death threats and barely anything was done. We as her parents had to fight to see any results. She isn’t the same girl anymore. It’s heartbreaking to watch. 

Emily - 42 - Missouri

I care because I am a victim of bullying. I was a shy girl with almost no friends. People from my school bullied me for my weight, my grades (I was an honor student), and God only knows other reasons. I'm 30 now, but the cracks and wounds in my heart will never heal. I have trust issues, still feel terrible about my looks. I wish this world would be a better place. 

Banu - 30 - Uzbekistan

Bullying is a traumatic act that hurts. Bullying ruins self-esteem and can make it hard for people to be happy. If you're reading this and feel you may have bullied someone you can make things right. You are also loved and you also matter. Hurting someone else won’t change the situation or take away the pain. You don't have to hurt others because someone hurt you. You can show how beautiful you really are by loving and supporting others. It takes strength but I love you and I believe in you. Talk to someone and read information on how to stop bullying or help someone who is.

Melissa - 32 - New York

Its a changing society. If you are being "bullied" iver the internet, block those ppl. If you are being bullied in person, "Speak up for yourself" put some boundaries up. If someone keeps hounding you, TELL them, "I don't allow ppl to treat me badly, so if you want to talk like THAT, do it somewhere else bc i don't want to hear it" walk away and go on with life. You may have to repeat those words several times a day, but ppl only treat you the way you allow them to. Life is full of bullies. Learn to put up boundaries and stick to them. 

Amy - 41 - Arkansas

Bullying can cause many issues for the individual such as psychological and can even escalate to physical. It makes you question your self worth and will often lead to mental health deterioration. Along with prevention in your daily activities such as not participating in class or even socially distancing yourself from others. I care about bullying because I found myself being the target of bullying due to being an Asian American. This took place in elementary school, the bullying occurred daily which made me lose my enthusiasm to attend school. My personality changed as I became more withdrawn from social activities, and ashamed of who I was. It wasn't until I took action and stepped up for myself against bullying and by talking with a trusted adult.  Although it took time to heal I was extremely grateful I did so.

Lina - 20 - California

for all of yall who haven't been bullied before... ITS NOT that easy to stand up for yourself

Anonymous - 13 -

"Childhood bullying can cause lifelong psychological damage"

Not only do scientists and studies reveal this fact.

I know from my own experience because I was bullied at school for many years. 

Even now it still hurts when I think about my childhood.



Derek - 39 - CA

I was bullied from first grade until twelfth grade, and I tried to kill myself when I was 13 due to the extreme bullying I experienced. I was teased because I was shy, smart, and withdrawn. I didn't have a lot of friends. On a school trip during junior year, a boy called my hotel room to tell me all that was wrong with me. It's profoundly affected by life, and I've struggled with depression since elementary school. I also got teased because I'm Jewish and have attention deficit disorder (ADD). I have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and social anxiety because of my experiences.

Katherine - 36 - Arkansas

I was bullied in grade school and high school because I stutter and have disabilities.   Bullying hurt a lot.   

Rachel - 43 - Saginaw, MI

I care because, I know how it can affect a child mentally. It causes pain and thinking negative of yourself I wish on no one the pain bullying can cause, and sometimes they can’t really ask for help. In my old school I was bullied a lot every single day for the way I looked or how I speak a language and I tried to ask for help multiple times but they never did anything and once I snapped and defended myself was when they reacted but never did noting for me the bullying made me insecure and scared to open up sometimes I just hoped It can all stop. I don’t experience this anymore however I am still scared that someone would Judge me for my looks or normal everyday activity I feel like I don’t fit in in groups of people and maybe I am better alone.

Zamirah - 13 - FL

I was once bullied and know the severity of not having someone to intervene. It places you in isolation which can lead to physical harm. Also, I want others to know there is help and you don't have to do it alone. 

Motivational Mary - 39 - Virginia

I care for so many people I am always being called a furry so I support everyone no matter who you are YOUR NOT ALONE!!!!!

Jasmine - 15 - Ohio

bullying is wrong 

Aaron - 13 -

my cousin lost his life to being bullied, and i don't want anyone to go through that. 

Amber - 12 - NC

I was bullied at one point of my life when i was little and it made me very sad and i would not want anybody else to go through that. 

Becky - 12 - NC

I care because one of my little sisters was bullied when she was in second grade and i know her felling. 

Emily - 12 -

Bullying affects you throughout your life. You should be able to make friends and close bonds without worrying that you will be made fun of or rejected. Bullying harms everyone so we should support whoever we can as a community. 

Sam - 16 - CA

I care because I was bullied when I was younger, and its not fun. People who get bullied can barley stick up for themselves without promoting violence. So its up to us the people who do not bully to help stick up for the people who are getting bullied. Plus I am gonna tell you something when I got bullied I had people help me NOT Physically but mentally using are words. So all I'm trying to say is its not fun being bullied and we have to have more people stick up for the people who are getting bullied. There is one quote that really hit me it was the people who are bullying you, they're insecure about who they are, and that's why they're bullying you. 

Ramon - 13 - Michigan

I was bullied as a kid, severely, and back then there were no programs, no support.  I can't say I will ever understand why or how kids can be so cruel, but they are.  I pray times have changed and real intervention and support meet kids/teens where they are at when they need it most - before lasting damage is done.  Nowadays I fight for the underdog and look out for others.

Sue - 55 - West Virginia

I am an easy target for adult bullies, at least that's how it seems. I have never been a bully so I don't understand why they do it, I personally think it's because they are losers...either way, some people are very kind to me and I'm grateful and send them kindness, they say well, you never know what the bully has been through, well, once again, bullies are losers, I'm sick of being emotionally abused by what seems like a lot of bullies...since I've been a victim of bullies I would love to help other victims of bullies, nobody ever deserves to be bullied, bullies are losers

Lara - 32 - Colorado

I still get bullied and i feel bad for others to

Briealla - 11 - Texas

I still get bullied and i feel bad for others to

Briealla - 12 - Texas

I care because I believe that together, we can create a world where cyberbullying is no longer a threat. I've joined forces with my friends and classmates to form an anti-cyberbullying campaign in our school, raising awareness about the issue and encouraging others to stand up for kindness and tolerance. We've seen the positive impact our efforts have had on our school community, and we're determined to keep fighting until everyone can feel safe and supported online.

SunnyDays - 25 - Australia

I am sick and tired of not being able to do something to help someone being bullied because of my social anxiety.Though that is not an excuse for not telling an adult, it really is holding me back. I want to have a better understanding of bullying and how to call it out so i can help other people who are on the verge of ending it all because of situations like this. I WANT TO KNOW HOW TO HELP.

Ava - 13 - Arkansas

about a year ago a friend of mine was getting bullied and i stood up to him. After all of the arguing i was left with two black eyes

caden - 15 - ohio

I was constantly, and still am being bullied every day at school and it is purely because of my size and the choices that I make I wish that my school would just do something about it.  

Austin - 12 - WI

When someone around me gets aggressive or upset, I feel scared because I don't know what will happen, or if I will get hurt. Also- it is just wrong to bully someone for your one personal gain. Bullying and fight give you dopamine, a chemical in your brain that make you feel good. Do it in better ways, like making someone happy. 

Eliza - 13 - New York

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