Publication Catalog
PACER.org reprints:
Downloads of single copies are for your personal, noncommercial use only. For permission to reprint multiple copies or to order presentation-ready copies for distribution, use the links below.
Table of Contents
- Assistive Technology (Simon Technology Center)
- Bullying Prevention
- Disability Awareness and Abuse Prevention
- Dispute Resolution
- Early Childhood
- Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD) and Children's Mental Health
- Juvenile Justice
- Family Engagement / Student Success
- Special Education Rights (Parents Helping Parents)
- Special Health Needs
- Surrogate Parents
- Transition for Youth with Disabilities (Employment, Housing, Post Secondary, Rehabilitation Services, and Technical Assistance)
- Transition Parent Briefs
- Translated Materials―Spanish
- Translated Materials―Hmong and SE Asian
- Translated Materials―Somali
- Translated Materials - Karen
Ordering Information
To order, please print and fill out an order form
and mail it
to PACER Center, 8161 Normandale Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55437-1044.
Items marked:
FREE to Minnesota parents of children and young adults with disabilities.
Free to young adults, high school or older, with disabilities and their families.
Please limit requests for free items to 10 or less per order.
Minnesota tax-exempt organizations that have not ordered from PACER previously are asked to enclose a copy of their tax-exempt certificate.
Shipping and handling costs are included in the prices listed. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Rush orders will be billed an additional amount to cover higher postage rates. International orders will be billed an additional amount to cover higher postage rates. Payment for international orders must be in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank.
PACER provides publications at minimal costs and is not able to provide cash refunds. Credit memos will be issued for any necessary returns. They are valid for three months and may be used toward any item in the Publication Catalog.
Some materials produced by PACER are available upon request in alternative formats (ie: large print, Braille, audio)
Catalog published in September 2009.
All sales are final.
Other PACER Products
PACER Evaluation Report
Results of PACER's most recent fiscal year with details on the goals and structure of each PACER project and level of training.
$15 | PHP-a18
Special Education Record Keeping Folders
Special education records contain important information for making educational decisions. This set of 6 folders helps parents organize school paperwork to help them make good decisions about their children’s education. 2014.
1-10 copies, $10 each
11-100 copies, $8 each
101-500 copies, $7 each
PACER Partners
A newsletter for PACER's donors and friends featuring volunteer activities, volunteer profiles, special events, and other special projects at PACER. Published twice annually.
FREE | PHP-b10