Publication Order Form
Items marked are FREE to Minnesota parents of children and young adults with disabilities.
items are free to young adults, high school or older, with disabilities and their families.
Please limit requests for free items to 10 or less per order.
Translated Materials – Spanish
PACER offers bilingual workshops, individual assistance and translated publications focusing on issues facing families from diverse backgrounds. The following publications have been translated into Spanish.
Special Education: What Do I Need to Know? (Spanish version)
An audio/video (translated in Spanish) overview of special education created to help parents of children with disabilities understand what special education is, how a child might get into special education, how to resolve disagreements, and what role parents play.
Developed by PACER Center, it is funded in part by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education.
Watch it now
Please complete a short survey after watching this interactive training.
This presentation is also available in English, Hmong, and Somali learn more >>>>
The ABCs of the IEP (Spanish version)
An audio/video (translated in Spanish) developed by PACER Center and funded in part by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education.
Watch it now
Please complete a short survey after watching this interactive training.
Early Childhood Transition Guidebook (Spanish) (download for free)
Helps parents understand the process that guides their child's transition from infant and toddler intervention services to other early childhood services at age three and includes strategies to use for a successful transition. Also available in English and Somali. 2011.
$3.00 |
10+ copies, $2.50 each
| PHP-a40s
Thoughts About My Child (Spanish)
Families can organize information about a young child with disabilities: daily routine, likes and dislikes, skills, unique characteristics, birth and health history, needs, names of medical or school professionals, health/human services numbers, etc.
$1.50 |
10+ copies, $1 each
| PHP-a17s
Booklets Free to Download 
Accessible Instructional Materials: Basics for Families (Spanish)
This booklet helps parents decide whether their child needs accessible instructional materials (AIM), what specialized format the student needs, how to access these materials, and what supports the student needs to use AIM. 2011
$2 |
10+ for $1.50 each | STC-23s
Cyberbullying: What Parents Should Know (Spanish)
Online Only | BP-23s
Information Cards
IEP Meeting Parent Tip Card (Spanish)
Laminated cards with questions to ask during your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting, as well as questions to ask about the IEP process. 2014.
$0.25 |
100+ copies, $.20 each (please call for shipping and handling pricing)
| PHP-a45s
Parent Information Cards (Spanish)
Laminated 3 x 5-inch cards detailing parent rights and responsibilities in special education as well as topics of discussion for IEP development that parents can bring with them to their child's IEP meetings. 2010.
$0.25 |
100+ copies, $.20 each (please call for shipping and handling pricing)
| PHP-a39s
Activity Cards
Family Fun Reading Activity Cards
These activity cards help your child develop literacy skills that are important for reading and learning success. You can do these fun skill-builders at home, in your neighborhood, and on the go! For children in grades K-3. 2012.
$4 |
10+ copies, $2.50 each | 100+ copies, $2 each
| PHP-a43s
Let's Talk and Count! Activity Cards (Spanish)
Let’s Talk and Count! is an easy and fun way for parents to interact and help your child be ready for reading and counting. These cards will help build your child’s vocabulary and speaking skills, as well as increase your child’s early math skills. No special supplies are needed, just you and your child.
$4 |
10+ copies, $2.50 each | 100+ copies, $2 each
| PHP-a41s
Free to Download
| $1.50 per request | 10+ copies, $.50 each
Minnesota Dispute Resolution Options: Complaint Processes
Some dispute resolution options in Minnesota place the decision regarding how a dispute between parents and the school district is resolved in someone else’s hands, through different kinds of complaint processes. This comparison chart provides a side-by-side overview of special education complaints, due process complaints and hearings, and discrimination complaints.
Minnesota Dispute Resolution Options: Special Education Meetings
Other dispute resolution options in Minnesota give parents and the school district the opportunity to work together to make decisions about how a dispute is resolved, through different kinds of special education meetings. This comparison chart provides a side-by-side overview of Conciliation Conferences, Facilitated Team Meetings, and Mediation.
Book and Audio
Child Development Booklets
This series of five booklets teach and encourage parents of young children (birth to age 5.) All are simply worded and beautifully illustrated with photos of children and families of various ethnic/cultural groups. 2000. (See Translations for Hmong and Spanish.)
$5 | 10+, $4.50 each | 100+, $4 each
Written in the child's voice, engaging booklets with focus on development.
Record Keeping Folders
Special Education Record Keeping Folders
Parents can keep important papers related to their child's education plus helpful tips on working with your child's school. 2004.
1-10, $10 each | 11-100, $8 each |
101-500 copies, $7 each | 501+ copies, $5 each
| PHP-a5s