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How is bullying defined? Does bullying happen more often than adults think? What if my child is the one bullying? How does bullying impact a students’ health? Here you will find the answers to these questions and many more, along with helpful information about cyberbullying, students with disabilities, and research.

Questions Answered

Responses in a variety of formats, including images, 60 second response, article and more, to commonly asked questions.


Resources designed to inform and educate on bullying related issues, free to download and share in the classroom, home or community.


Important research on the effects, intervention and impact of bullying.


Key points highlighting relevant best practices and issues about bullying.


Multi-page module featuring helpful information, videos, and interaction on topics including definition of cyberbullying, how to address cyberbullying and ways to help youth.

Students With Disabilities

Comprehensive module featuring important facts, rights and policies, specialized resources and advocacy tips.

Sites for Kids and Teens

Websites for kids and teens to learn about bullying, engage in activities, and be inspired to own an important social cause.