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Bipolar, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Dyslexia

When to ask for a developmental screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Concerned your infant or toddler may be displaying behaviors consistent with Autism? Here are some quick tips – in Hmong and Spanish – on what to look for and how to access early interventions and supports.

  • Hmong version

    Koj puas txhawj tias cas koj tus me nyuam ab los yog mus taus kev pheej muaj tus cwj pwm coj zoo li cov muaj autism? Nov yog cov tswv yim qhia rau koj tias koj yuav txheeb xyuas thiab yuav nrhiav tau cov kev txhawb qhia thiab cov kev pab txhawb li cas.

  • Spanish version

    ¿Está preocupado porque su niño pequeño pudiera estar exhibiendo conductas consistentes con el autismo? He aquí algunos consejos rápidos en qué buscar y cómo tener acceso a intervenciones tempranas y apoyos