Spookley the Square Pumpkin, the “Official Spokes-Pumpkin” for National Bullying Prevention Month, is a square pumpkin who lives in a round pumpkin patch world. Spookley helps early learners discover that the things that make us different are the things that make us special.
Celebrate National Bullying Prevention Month with Spookley to spread kindness, acceptance, and inclusion your classrooms, homes, and communities.
The Toolkit
Please download these Spookley-themed resources to EXPLORE, PLAN, CELEBRATE, and REFLECT throughout NATIONAL BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH (and beyond!) to encourage widespread participation in Unity Day.
Educator Resources Parent Resources
NEW! Use these back-to-school-themed resources with Spookley’s brand new book, Spookley the Square Pumpkin, the First Day of School.

The First Day of School Activity Kit
The Pledge
Spookley wants you to join him and take the take the pledge against bullying!
Help us make this the biggest bullying prevention pledge ever! Record your pledge on video, post the video on social with hashtag #spookley, and invite your friends to do the same!
The Certificate
Download this Spookley certificate as proof of your pledge and to remember to speak up, reach out, and be a friend!
More Spookley Fun
Spookley’s YouTube Channel . The Spookley the Square Pumpkin YouTube Channel features a collection of music videos, holiday shorts, and story readings, including the Spookley stories featured in this toolkit.
Spookley Events . Find a Spookley-themed experience at a pumpkin patch, theme park, resort, or theatre near you.
Spookley the Square Pumpkin and all related characters and elements © and ™/® Holiday Hill Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.